I have tried various key combos (shift, alt, command, option) etc. and nothing allows me to scroll left and right. I have tried various mice (razar, steelseries etc). No luck. Anyone know how to make it work?
Hi, I want a horizontally scrolling website and find a solution using Flexbox. The scroll and divs are showing as I want. But, the problem is- I can’t scroll by mouse wheel. Is there any way to do that using CSS or do I need to use JS for that? Codepen Link:https://codepen...
1.) Activate the horizontal scrolling with always mouse wheel! If you do not have a mouse with the function for horizontal scrolling under Windows: While holding down the SHIFT key, horizontal scrolling with mouse wheel. Please activate this option! ► # Options ► left right scroll with s...
Yes, you can scroll with the Apple Mouse. Standard mice have scroll wheels that enable users to scroll up and down on their PCs. However, the Apple mouse uses sensors to identify simple gestures like scrolling and swiping. That means that it does have a scroll, only that it isn’t a s...
WheelDown:: ControlGetFocus, control, A Loop 3 SendMessage, 0x115, 1, 0, %control%, A Return Change theLoop 3toLoop 5or however many lines you wish for one movement of the wheel to scroll. old solution using AutoIt I whipped up an AutoIt script which detects the cursor within the ...
How to scroll to the last line in WPF rich text box using MVVM How to search or find an item in WPF Treeview control? How to select a TabItem by Name in C# How to select all text of a textbox when begin to edit an item in a datagrid? How to select multiple items in a combo...
2) you open Adobe reader and try to scroll with the mouse wheel in ANY and ALL PDF documents and find the scroll speed is intolerably slow 3) you look on the forum and find that: a) there are no settings in the Adobe reader to speed up mouse scrolling b)...
Is there a feature for scrolling to work after one click of the mouse wheel button without having to hold it down continuously? Please note that I am NOT talking about autoscrolling (ctrl+shift+h), I just want to be able to scroll without having to hold down the mouse wheel button. Th...
How to change the scroll direction on Mac? Is your Mac’s mouse wheel scrolling the wrong way? It’s no problem — you can easily change this from System Preferences. Change scroll direction on your Mac Open System Preferences from the Apple menu. If you’re using your laptop’s trackpad...
Use the slider next toLines to scroll at a timeto adjust the number of lines you want the mouse to scroll with each wheel notch. The default value is 3 lines, but you can increase or decrease it depending on your preference. After adjusting the mouse scrolling settings, switch back to ...