1. 使用快捷键提高效率 (Using Shortcuts to Improve Efficiency) 熟悉各个平台的快捷键可以大大提高截图的效率,尤其是在需要频繁截图的情况下。 2. 选择合适的截图工具 (Choosing the Right Screenshot Tool) 根据个人需求选择合适的截图工具,有些工具提供更丰富的功能,如延迟截图、滚动截图等。 3. 定期整理截图 ...
1. 使用快捷键 (Using Keyboard Shortcuts) 在macOS中,截屏也可以通过快捷键来完成。按下Command + Shift + 3可以截取整个屏幕,按下Command+ Shift + 4可以选择截取特定区域。截取的图片会自动保存到桌面。 2. 使用截图工具 (Using the Screenshot Tool) macOS Mojave及更高版本提供了一个内置的截图工具。按下...
3. How to screenshot a specific area using Windows screenshot shortcuts If you want to screenshot a specific screen area, you can use theWindows Key + Shift + Skeyboard shortcut. This method is proper when capturing a specific part of the screen, such as a section of a website or a...
选定区域截屏:按下Shift + PrtScn,光标会变成十字形,你可以选择要截取的区域。 2. 使用Gnome Screenshot (使用Gnome截图工具) 如果你使用的是Gnome桌面环境,可以使用Gnome Screenshot工具进行截屏。 打开Gnome Screenshot:在应用菜单中搜索“Screenshot”并打开它。 选择截屏模式:你可以选择全屏、窗口或选定区域进行截屏。
二、macOS系统截图方法 (Screenshot Methods on macOS) 在macOS系统中,截图的操作相对简单,以下是几种常用的方法: 1. 使用快捷键 (Using Keyboard Shortcuts) macOS提供了多种快捷键来进行截图,用户可以根据需要选择不同的方式。 全屏截图:按下“Command + Shift + 3”组合键,整个屏幕的图像将被捕捉并自动保存...
1. 使用“Print Screen”键 (Using the Print Screen Key) 与Windows系统类似,按下“PrtScn”键可以截取整个屏幕,按“Alt + PrtScn”可以截取当前活动窗口。 2. 使用“GNOME Screenshot”工具 (Using GNOME Screenshot) 在GNOME桌面环境中,用户可以使用“GNOME Screenshot”工具进行截图。可以通过命令行或在应用菜...
Unfortunately, Mac computers don't have a screenshot button, but you can still capture anything on your screen using the standard Mac screenshot keyboard shortcuts:Screenshot shortcutPress and hold To take a screenshot of your entire Mac screen Shift + Command + 3 To capture a portion of ...
Since Macs have a reputation of being highly intuitive, it’s strange to see users asking all the time: “How do I screenshot on Mac?” Before Mojave, it wasn’t that easy. You had to use QuickTime player to record the screen, and different keyboard commands to screenshot small sections...
How to take a full page screenshot on Chrome with a custom size The keyboard shortcut method is a great way to quickly capture a full page screenshot, but if you want to customize the size of your screenshot, you'll have to take a few more steps to get it. ...
Find out how to screenshot important data on the most popular desktop and mobile devices. Screenshots have always been hugely popular. They’re often the fastest, simplest way to get information from one application to another. With a few screen taps or a quick keyboard shortcut, you can ...