and as long as there has been anything to gain. In Molly Manning Walker's absolutely essential directorial debut "How To Have Sex," we come face to face with the realities of those impulses, and how
@AlbusDumbledore6 explained how to defend against the Scholar's Mate. Although he got most of the key points, the explanation isn't as clear cut as it can be. The Scholar's Mate is a checkmate achieved by combining the bishop and the queen in a simple attack against the enemy king. ...
Critical computing scholars have to understand code to reason about its effects. Software studies scholars study code the way that earlier humanities scholars study text manuscripts, and it’s hard to study something you don’t understand.
To mention a couple of striking examples of well-established interpretations of physical theories, one could think of the issue of the nature of elementary particles in the philosophy of quantum field theory, where some scholars go so far as to deny the existence of self-identity,3 or the so...
患者,男,60岁。“双下肢乏力5个月余”就诊。既往体健。5个月前自觉双下肢乏力,行走缓慢,同时发现静止时出现右手出现“搓丸样”动作,紧张时明显,随意运动时减轻,睡眠时消失。查体:双下肢肌力正常,肌张力高,呈“齿轮样”,病理征未引出。该患者应该考虑完善何种检查明确诊断 ...
Peterson. Some scholars have found that Republican Catholics are less likely to vote for the GOP ticket if the Democratic running mate is Catholic and that in 2008 then-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin boosted turnout among fellow conservatives. Devine and Kopko themselves argue that vice presidential...
Thus, Penaluna's women, mostly in the 18th century, who I expect were independent scholars, were only going to be "derailed" by their own internal inhibitions, not by some committee refusing to grant them tenure. And if they worried that a publisher might refuse a manuscript from a woman,...
Getting back to The Grayzone story, Paul Mason, “one of Britain’s most prominent alleged left-wing journalists,” and other “covert helpers,” were found to have targeted scholars and academics who spoke out against the establishment narrative on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. ...
W: Welcome to our program book talk. Q5.ourgyest today is FrankJonesiditicbf our education system and the author of new book,How to reform our universitres. M: Hello, Susan. W: Frank, you support radicallychanging universities in America. Yes. ...
Professional matchmaking used to be a service used almost exclusively by wealthy men with the disposable income to have someone else sort through the choppy waters of the dating pool on their behalf. Many matchmakers, including New York's Janis Spindel, work exclusively with male clients, and th...