deer may become a nuisance after awhile, especially if deer are eating all your crops. Fortunately, there are some techniques you can incorporate to keep deer away from your fruit trees. If one technique doesn’t work, you can try another. ...
This means deer are really good at spotting movement from relatively far away and from a very wide field of vision. (Helpful for detecting a wolf trying to sneak closer from a distance.) However, when it comes to having clear, focused vision on something right in front of them, their eye...
Use an air horn to get rid of birds quickly. The sharp and loud noise from the horn will cause them to fly away instantly. The trouble with this method is you need to be vigilant and will only be able to scare birds away if you see them. This is the fastest way to get rid of ...
The benefits of a tall, strong deer fence are clear. This is really the best way to keep deer out of your garden. The main downsides are generally related to costs and aesthetics. If you try to cut costs and go with a fence that is too short or flimsy, determined deer will jump ove...
The string should be only two or three inches above the ground in order to keep the birds out. Otherwise, they will just walk under. Another tactic is to run paper or metallic streamers around the garden beds. Mylar streamers can also be used to scare them. ...
Homeowners in rural areas have been known to useelectric fencingto keep out deer. This can be a simple three-wire setup with metal posts and a solar or battery power source. It doesn't have to be 8 feet tall because the deer will stay away from it after the initial (painful) introduct...
Put a transistor radio in your garden and keep it on all night. Switch the station when you think of it. The noise will keep deer away. Set up an inexpensive motion detector in your garden. When a deer triggers it, the noise will scare the deer back into the woods. ...
The noise will keep deer away. Set up an inexpensive motion detector in your garden. When a deer triggers it, the noise will scare the deer back into the woods. Drape fabric netting over plants and (most) deer will stay clear. For a natural deer deterrent, scatter dog or human hair ...
For this reason, a large and intimidating pool float or raft can be a great low-cost way to scare wildlife away from your pool. A float shaped like an alligator, dragon, tiger, or some other large scary animal might freak out frogs and chipmunks and the like before they even consider ...
They’re also cumbersome and noisy, which means you risk spooking deer from the noise of packing into the woods and climbing up the tree. The extra effort also means more sweat-inducing exertion which means more scent to scare game. If you hunt on public land, though, this will probably ...