in this expression, used to insult gays and more specifically to bottoms, two important issues in gay slang come together. On the one hand we have the issue of youth, associated with the passive (bottom) role in sex inherited from Greek master-pupil system, and secondly the loss of masculi...
From the 16th century on, it has sometimes been used to point out a homosexual young man. It is also one of the proper names of many young and beautiful Greek heroes and gods, whose names became more or less permanent as a synonym of homosexuality. Related Adelsward, Adrien, Alcibiade,...
a region of Iran near the Caspian Sea. Nebuchadnezzar is said to have built the gardens for her as a reminder of her homeland. But it's strange that Nebuchadnezzar, who recorded his many accomplishments incuneiform, a type of ancient writing used in record-keeping,...
Here's the solution to "How to say ...?" Do this as many times as you feel necessary. You will probably be the only person in the room who knows how to say it right! BIBLE PRONUNCIATION AUDIO: Remember to turn the computer audio switch on, so that you can hear the correct ...
In Ancient Greek the name Eurydice means "wide justice", where eurys means "wide" and dike means "justice". The correct pronunciation of Eurydice in English isYuh-rid-ih-see. First, it's important to keep in mind that the first syllable, "Eu", is not pronounced with a "you" sound,...
The Greek goddessHera, wife to the philandering Zeus, may not have been jealous without cause, but she certainly expressed her displeasure in unflattering ways, choosing to harass her husband's lovers and children, rather than dealing with his infidelity directly. ...
Greek and Celtic Nightmares The ancient Greeks feared similar creatures, notably Lamia, a demoness with the head and torso of a woman and the lower body of a snake. In one version of the legend, Lamia was one of Zeus' mortal lovers. Filled with anger and jealousy, Zeus' wife, the godde...
Distractions seem ubiquitous today, but they’ve always been a part of human life. Here’s how to resist them. Do you know where the word “tantalize” comes from? Thank the guy in the photo above. His name was Tantalus, and he was banished to the underworld by his father, Zeus. The...
Others say, "The Name of our Messiah is "Yeshua" which is the original proper name for Jesus the Nazarene. The word "Jesus" is actually a mis-transliteration of a Greek mis-transliteration. The Emperor Constantine even mistook Jesus for Apollo, the son of the Greek god Zeus. In Hebrew,...
While all the Greek gods possessed otherworldly strengths, one was more powerful than the rest. Who served as the king of the ancient Greek gods? Heracles Apollo Zeus Athena Wiki Commons by Didier Descouens Apollo is the Greek god of healing, music, light and enlightenment. Do you ...