1【题目】Ⅱ.根据汉语提示完成句子6.Do you know how to say(零)in French?7.-Have you ever seen(土拨鼠)?-Yes,they are very lovely.8.In winter,the temperature can be as(低的)as-40℃in Mohe.9.The temperature will drop(低于)zero tonight.10.He won’t watch TV(直到……为止)he fin...
How to say never mind in German How do you say forever in German? How to say stop in German How do you say until next time in German? How to say stay in German How do you say whatever in German? How to say zero in German How do you say again in German? How do you say anymo...
Numberone, IhavefeltallofthosethingsinmyFrenchandnumbertwo, thoseareallthingsthatmystudentshavesaidtomewhentheyfirststartedlearningwithme.第一,我在学习法语的过程中也有以上的感受,第二,这些都是我的学生第一次和我一起学习时对我说的话。Sointoday'slesson, Iwanttosharefivereasonsthatyoumightbestuckin...
Do you have trouble understanding what native speakers say? What to improve your English listening and comprehension skills? Ill give you some great tips that will help you to listen and understand!
Now do the same in English. Here are my results: Swedish:15 seconds English:16 seconds Chinese:42 seconds While we rarely need to say long, specific numbers, we often have to use large, rounded figures in conversation. For instance, when asked how many people live in your country or how...
Comments on the French nuclear test to be conducted in the South Pacific island of Mururoa in September 1995. Description and the geography of the Mururoa island; Population; Environmental groups' concern ...
“I’m not a real man or woman if I don’t perform on command with an erection or an orgasm” is obsolete and spiritually ignorant. It’s grim when sex is reduced to a contest to keep proving yourself by how you perform—motivations that also apply, sad to say, to succeeding in ...
I was so passionate about it, and quickly I got my parents to say yes, so I could have their shed in their backyard, so where I could create this workspace, and I started with no money. So I had to build everything myself, and my uncle built some of the tools and stuff like th...
and always care about me.When I'm in trouble ,she'll give me her hands.When I feel lonely,she'll stay beside me .When I have trouble that she always encourage me to do our best, she used to say “It don't matter if you win or not. The important thing is to do your best ...
If the investor wants to increase the portfolio's expected return to 7.5%, the investor needs to shift capital from Asset X (the less risky asset) to Asset Y. In this case, let's say the weight for each asset in this simple portfolio is 50%: ...