某食品制造公司(一般纳税人),6月从小规模纳税人手中购入大米一批40吨,税务机关批准使用的收购凭证上注明收购金额为40000元。该食品公司将30吨大米用于本企业生产速冻食品,取得销售额50000元;将另外10吨大米用于职工食堂。则该食品公司当月应纳增值税税额为( )。
Susan has taught college-level French and has a PhD in French studies.Cite this lesson How do you say how old you are in French? In this lesson, we'll learn how to say how old you are and ask how old someone else is. We'll also go over some other expressions and situations that...
Ready to learn how to say “hello” in French? Here’s a quick overview of what you’ll learn: Bonjour - the most common way to say “hello” in French If you don’t say bonjour when entering a shop or café, you might be thought of as rude When greeting one another in France,...
When do you say “année” for ‘year’ in French “Année” is used to describe the whole year span, and is mostly used with ordinal numbers (first, second, third…) in expressions introducing indefinite quantities (several years, thousands of years…), and other time expressions such as:...
How to say after you in French Using French Prepositions: When you are approaching a door with someone, you might extend the courtesy of letting the other person go through the door first. You could suggest this with the expression, 'after you.' In French, the expression 'after you' is ...
Answer to: How to say old in Spanish By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. You can also ask...
Slowly is translated in French by... LentementSlowly Example Sentences with Sound Clips. La tortue marche lentement.The turtle walks slowly. More Example Sentences. Ils ont traversé la rivière lentement et furtivement.They crossed the river slowly and stealthily. Mais il s'est entraîné très...
You know, some say it takes two to tango. But sometimes, lurking in the dark is athird.tango:动词。跳探戈舞lurk:(不怀好意地)潜藏third:这里作名词,第三个人的意思 04:24 Just a reminder, I've got that project due tomorrow.just a reminder:跟你提醒一下due:按预期(完成、结束或到达)的 04...
557.376.30 Minutes of French Reading Co.(P557) 372021-03 6 556.375.What is the Gérondif(P556) 222021-03 7 555.374.How to Say Sorry in French - Ba.(P555) 492021-03 8 554.373.100 Phrases Every French Beginn.(P554) 392021-03 9 553.372.French Train Station Reading Co.(P553) 182021...
If you're wondering how to say something in French, you've come to the right place. I get a lot of questions about how to say this or that in French; I've provided links to answers to the most common of these at the end of this article. But of course I can't anticipate every ...