Find out how to say Bitch in different languages. We have thousands of swear words from every language in the world!
Yo, wassup..大家好。。。偶是早安吧第一怪咖痞子头儿,外号皮皮。。。来向大家say hi一下哦。去年去了LA的AX看早安。。。刚刚开始试着双修,所以是朋友啦。。。不知道今年这里是不是有队伍去。。。有没有组织。。。去
hard to come up with a fresh and creative answer! Don't worry, though—we've got you covered with tons of examples that show how to have some fun with this common question. Read on and try them out to respond to "wassup" in a way that'll breathe new life into your conversation....