How to say "We like it very much" in Spanish (Nos gusta mucho). And how you can say it just like a native.
When translating the word please to Latin, classicists commonly refer first to the Plautine terms sis and amabo. Sis and please have a morphological similarity. Meanwhile, amabo has the literal meaning of I shall love. The terms velim, quaeso, rogo and peto are use in two common types ...
The most common way to say hello in Spanish is hola. It's very similar to how we would use "hello" in English; it's appropriate for both formal and informal conversations and can be used at anytime of day or night. If you're greeting someone in the morning, ...
This is a creative and playful way to say goodbye in Venezuelan Spanish. It can be translated as “Take care of the sweet thing” in English, but it’s used more for its rhyming and humorous effect. Ya me voy,cuídate el dulce. Nos vemos mañana.(I’m leaving, take care of the ...
Where it’s used:Latin America Similar toamigo(friend), the wordamigazois also an informal reference to a buddy, pal or close friend. However, you wouldn’t want to use this word in Chile, where it normally means bad company. Antonio, sos un amigazo. ...
An essential guide to doing business in Central and South America, complete with communication and etiquette tips.This is the essential guide to business etiquette and customs for anyone doing business in Latin America. It features everything the reader needs to know?from getting an appointment to...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《How to Say It: Doing Business in Latin America: A Pocket Guide to the Culture, Customs and Etiquette (ISBN=9780735204430)》,作者:Kevin Michael Diran 著,出版社:Penguin。最新《How to Say It: Doing Business in Latin America:
汉语中还有许多和酒文化有关的俗语,例如“敬酒不吃吃罚酒”,字面意思是“refuse a toast only to drink a forfeit”,比喻“refuse a mild measure only to be resigned to a tough one”。第一步:吸引注意首先站起来说一句话,吸引大家的...
LikeLatinx,Latinecan be used as a noun or as an adjective. WhenLatineis used as an adjective in Spanish, the noun that it describes can also be modified to reflect a similar gender-neutral variant (as inniñes Latines, meaning “Latine children”). The substitution of-eendings for the ...
If love is a universal language, and "I love you" is the most important thing to say, how will you tell the world how you feel? Here are more than 165 ways to say "I love you" in different languages.