Today I'm going to show you how to say "My name is..." in German and many more important phrases. Listen to the examples on the website.
The German 'W':German is a phonetic language, so you say what you see. The only tricky part is you need to know how to say their letters. Luckily, many of the letters are very similar to English, but there are some key differences. One big difference is the letter 'w'. It isn'...
How to say 'lovely' in German 'Lovely' in German: In German, there are several adjectives with the meaning of 'lovely' that can be used to describe people, things or places. Notice that adjectives have different declensions in German, so their endings may change depending on the nouns the...
Usually, you can greet someone with Mahlzeit around lunchtime, but in some places, you can use it as an all-day greeting. It’s commonly used within the workplace between colleagues as everyone hurries off to grab a bite to eat. To respond, you can say Mahlzeit right back or politely ...
The German language response to thanks depends on the form used and on the situation (casual or more formal). The standard response toDankeis simply: Bitte (literally:please, but in response to thanks meaningyou're welcome) In response toDanke schönyou will hear and should say: ...
How to Say Friend in GermanStayner, Diane
How do you say this in German? 1. Electric bulbs emit light :2. Bright meteors often emit the bluish-white light :3. Candles emit carbon :4. Onions emit a pungent odour :5. Uranium emits radiation :6. Cars emit noxious fumes : Vedi una traduzione loire2 25 ago 2024 Tedesco 1...
Wondering how to say cheers in German? We’ll show you 7 phrases Germans use to toast in bars, at parties, and during Oktoberfest.
What do you guys say in German as a response like "I see.", "I got it.", or "I understand."? How do you say "I'm on my way" in German? How to say "place" in german? How do you say the phrase "Keep it simple, silly" in german? 瞩目...
The idea behind the question is linked to the notion of life passing by, just like time is passing by. In German, you also say “Zeit vergeht” (time walks past). So when you ask someone how they are in German, you’re basically asking them: “How is time passing by for you” or...