Nick Walker, Globe Correspondent
If you let them know you’re a learner, not only will most people speak more slowly, but they’ll be happy to help whenever you are stuck. For the more advanced speaker, being able to say that you’re learning Polish, or if your studying any other languages, is a great way to ... is a crowdsourced audio pronunciation website that helps you learn how to say words, names and phrases contributed by native speakers.
How do you say "pierogi" in English? 复制 Explanation in Polish: W formalnym tłumaczeniu użyto bardziej bezpośredniego pytania, które jest typowe w sytuacjach oficjalnych lub profesjonalnych. W casualowym tłumaczeniu użyto bardziej zwyczajnego sposobu zwracania się do kogoś ...
The one word you'll never not need! Here's how to say thank you in 50 languages so you're never stuck again.
Become a member of Polish Language & Culture World and join other like-minded individuals looking to become more fluent with the Polish language. Learn (and help teach others) how to read, speak, write, and understand Polish. Checklist for new members:
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I say it wouldn’t hurt to spare a single minute for some quick and easy shining. Think about it – there are 1,440 minutes in a whole day! So I’m sure you can find a way to squeeze in this short but EFFECTIVE polish. Quick Shoe Shine Tools You Will Need Wax Shoe Polish: make...
Given that consumption of sexually explicit material (SEM) and sexual behaviour are inextricably linked, the purpose of this study was to determine whether
* Allow access to the microphone if a popup appears. Step 3. Tap theChange view modeicon to flip the top half of the screen to face the other speaker > Tap theMicrophoneicon facing you and speak. * The app will audibly translate what you say as well as display a transcri...