Bills have to be paid, so you should fully fund those expenses first and then adjust other categories accordingly. If you have to skip tithing for a month, fine. But don’t leave the savings column blank too. You have to pay yourself in some way, and savings is important especially if...
If you’re saving for a new car, put a picture of the car out to encourage you to stick with the budget. 10.Learn the Power of “No.” Being on a budget means you will have tosay no to spendingsometimes. You may have to say no to your favorite type of junk food at the store...
If I was writing this post a year ago, it would be hard for me to try to argue that. You can even watch this video, where a couple of years ago I thought a client of mine was nuts for wanting to keep tithing while trying to pay off debt. In the past year, however, my wife...
including Bishops Herrod and Mauzy, of negligence and conspiring to cover up child sex abuse to avoid “costly lawsuits” and protect the reputation of the church, which relies on proselytizing and tithing to attract new members and raise money. In 2020, ...
“The early church, they did more than tithe,” McDonald says. “They sold everything they had.” Passing the plate, seen here in early church drawing, has become a church tradition rife with abuse, some say. Getty Images Lee acknowledges that there are four references to tithing in the...
broken down, so they took it to an auto mechanic who gave them a quote on the work that needed done, then gave them a discount. They attributed The Great Deal to having kept up on their tithing. But tithing couldn’t keep their car from breaking down in the first place. Weird, I...
As Hercule Poirot would say, the “little grey cells” need time to rejuvenate. Preacher, find your outlet. Plug in. Recharge. Leave a comment “Expository preaching at its core is more a philosophy than a method.”[1] A few day ago, my Twitter feed filled with reactions to the death...
We do know that Peter was married and God's plan for the leadership of local churches is for the elders to be married. Regarding Christian men who plan to go single through life, I don't have much to say to you. I understand the "theory" of that, but cannot grasp it practically ...
This is not a blog post to brag on myself, because it’s quite the opposite. It’s to say how much the mentorship experience is beneficial for both parties. There is something special that happens when you mentor someone else and I encourage everyone to find an opportunity to do it. I...
I do want to say that although I try to make things look nice, this binder is meant to be functional and not necessarily the most lovely thing ever. The upside to Pinterest is that many of the printables are free and beautifully designed so that makes things easy (all sources I used wi...