namely the southern gate, or Meridian Gate, also known as Wumen (午门)in Chinese. To the south of Forbidden City’s Southern Gate lieTiananmen TowerandTiananmen Square.
Just like all of you, I sit in front of the TV. But here is a question, do you know how to say “阅兵” in English? 先卖个关子,感受“阅兵蓝”下的天安门广场前的热闹。来个全景,请注意姿势……… I keep you guessing, let’s take in the atmosphere of “阅兵蓝” in Tiananmen Square...
Even in the aftermath of Tiananmen, the ambiguities of engaging with foreignness continued to play out in Chinese media and cultural spaces. One often-cited example is the Canadian performer Mark Roswell. Dashan (大山), Roswell’s professional persona, made his first appearance on Chinese TV in ...
“Back then we could say Xi was cleaning house,” he said, noting that Xu and Guo had been appointed to the CMC under former leader Jiang Zemin. But both Wei and Li were promoted under Xi. “Wei and Li’s cases show that Xi’s own vetting processes and vaun...