In Japanese, there are two primary ways to say Japan: Nippon, 日本, and Nihon, 日本. While both terms refer to the same country and use the same kanji, they differ in terms of formality and usage. What Makes Nippon and Nihon Different? Nippon is the more formal and traditional way to...
How to say “Hi everybody” in Japanese Now that you know how to use the words for ‘everybody’ in Japanese, let’s take a look at some basic greetings you can use with mina-san! Mina san, konnichiwa 皆さん、こんにちは Good afternoon, everybody / Hi everybody If you watch a ...
The pronunciation ofkonnichiwais kohn-nee-chee-wah.Make sure to hold out the "n" sound in the middle of the word(that’s why there are two of them). It'll probably feel a bit weird doing this if you’re not used to Japanese sounds, but trust me when I say it’ll make you soun...
Japanese onomatopoeia is used in everyday conversation and is a great way to mix up your vocabulary and impress your friends. Onomatopoeia helps convey a clearer messageof what you’re trying to say by attaching itself to a verb. Take the verb,“笑う“(to laugh) for example. A loud, boi...
2.1Formal “Good Job” in Korean 2.2Standard “Good Job” in Korean 2.3Informal “Good Job” in Korean 3Other ways to say “Good job” in Korean 3.1“Good work” in Korean 3.2“Keep up the good work” in Korean 3.3“Congratulations” in Korean ...
In Japanese, it is not appropriate to say “Konnichiwa (こんにちは)” to someone 10 am in the morning. Konnichiwa (こんにちは) is probably good to use between 12 pm to 6 pm, in my opinion. This is because, it is most appropriate to use the following greeting depending on the time...
@xuandao_710おはよう is pronounced おはよお(おはよー ohayo-o).こんにちは and こんばんは are good.@
@mayaghtどうしてか分かりません is good as a formal way. If you would like to make it more formal, you can say 何故 instead of どうして and なんで. Like何故(なぜ)か分かりません or 何故なのか分かりません.@
1.1Formal “Good Morning” in Korean 1.2Standard “Good Morning” in Korean 1.3Informal “Good Morning” in Korean 2Wrap Up Onward we go! Different ways to say “Good Morning” in Korean You can use “hello” instead of saying “good morning” when speaking Korean in most situations. Howeve...
You can say: 最近調子はどうですか? さいきんちょうしはどうですか? saikin choushi wa dou desuka? How have you been?This sounds extremely Japanese and you can say this in almost any kind of situation to begin a conversation if you already know the other person.お...