Find out how to say Bitch in different languages. We have thousands of swear words from every language in the world!
Research shows that people who can more clearly differentiate their negative feelingsalsotend to self-regulate their negative emotions more frequently. In JMA’sMindMastery program, clients learn that their feelings are not driven by the actual events that happen to them, but by their core beliefs,...
“The Messenger of Allah (PBUH),‘The supplication of every one of His slaves will be granted as long as he does not get impatient and say, “I supplicated to my Rubb again and
Now, I'll first, before getting into details, make a definitional point. When I'm talking about language I'm meaning systems like English and Dutch and Warlpiri and Italian and Turkish and Urdu and what we've seen and heard right now in class in the demonstration that preceded the formal...
We find Anjum in one such graveyard at the beginning of the book. Anjum was born with both a penis and a vagina in the labyrinths of Chandni Chowk. Her family names her Aftab (Urdu for “sun”) and raises her as a boy. Later, she runs away to the Khwabgah to live with the hallo...
Maybe where you live but I see no need to use the Celsius scale, here in America, where no one here uses it except as a number displayed right along side the
I've been trying to pick up telugu because a lot of my friends are from Andhra. But so far I have succeeded only in learning 'sit', 'go', 'come', 'want', 'dog' and 'shut up'.I have often served as a translator when I go with any of my north indian friends in Chennai. ...
Andrew: I went to the courses in preparation for this interview, and I saw that you teach math, basic math. You say that you started out teaching 1 + 1 = 2. I got so into a history course that I almost stopped working. I said, “Andrew, you can’t do this.” So, you know ...
The last two complainants, a pair of young men, remonstrate from the waiting benches. They are loud and agitated. At the first mention of the word press, they start addressing me instead. The language changes fluidly from Pashto to Urdu, sensing that I am not a native speaker. ...