Find out how to say Bitch in different languages. We have thousands of swear words from every language in the world!
When you really do need a customer to carry out a lengthy set of instructions on their own, use numbers or bullet points. Say, for instance, you need the customer to perform a traceroute to help you troubleshoot why a certain page is loading slowly, and you’ve already exhausted the ot...
Say “la, la, la” and notice where your tongue flicks off from behind your teeth. Now say “da, da, da.” This spot where your tongue touches the roof of your mouth is actually where you flick off from to create the “r” sound in Japanese!How Many Letters are in the Japanese ...
I am aware that some of you are going to say that there are two more on that list that I could cross off. However, I have decided I can’t do that because in that particular book it is up to the reader to decide if the main character is an x or a y or possibly a z or pos...
You know exactly how to pronounce it. It's almost like magic. Since English is so messed up -- being the child of German, French, and Latin (and sprinklings of around 247 others) -- learning the IPA is primo. It's not such an issue forlanguages like Spanish where the sounds are ...
You can sign up for a free consult here. The University of California (UC) is one of the most prestigious public research universities in the country.It’s known for pioneering innovations and its unique ten-campus system.When it comes to admissions, UC’s application is just as unique as...
57、Something must be eating you,” he saidproud the way foreigners are when theyve mastered a bit of American slang. “You should be able to qualify with your eyes closed.”12 “Believe me, I know it,” I told himand it felt good to say that to someone.13 For the next few minute...
making the thousands of mistakes necessary to achieve fluency. In boxing, they say “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.” Well, in language learning, we could just as easily say that “everyone has the perfect conversation in mind unt...
You write in the book’s introduction that it’s not exactly what one says, but how they say it that gives immense power to speech. Do you think the way we speak determines how social life plays out? I do. That was also a motivation for writing the book: that the way we speak ...
Christmas trees can take up to fifteen years to grow. Canva Pro Christmas trees can take up to fifteen years to grow. Trees typically need to reach 6 to 7 feet tall before being sold. Some trees only take four years to reach that height; others can take fifteen years. According to the...