战败(zhànbài) is to be defeated, and战胜(zhànshèng) is to triumph or to overcome.战利品(zhànlìpǐn) are the spoils of war. 战斗(zhàndòu) also means to do battle. However,战抖(zhàndǒu) means to tremble or to shiver. You might associate shuddering with the fear of wars. So...
What can make you shiver? It could be chilly weather, or it could be something terrifying. Therefore, the Chinese word 凉 (liáng: chill) is also used in the phrase for “send chills down one’s spine”. So, how to say “Send Chills Down One’s Spine” in Chinese? Say “Send Chil...
One of the best ways to ramp up your story is to usevividlanguage. When you’re describing the characters’ fear you can use words likedespair,dread,trepidation,foreboding,alarm, andpanic. You can also use engaging terms to describe the characters’ actions, likeshiver,freeze,quake, andshriek...
Uncle will ask someone to help me fix my car. It will take a while. You should go first." Looking at the front of the black pressure, I can not help but a shiver. Eventually, my sister and I were forced to agree. Later, after my sister and I took the torch has been moving for...
My mother emailed me last week to ask if she was using the word “nor” correctly, which brings us to today’s post: the use of either or and neither nor.
A cold shiver washes over you, and you realize that if you don't get some shelter from the coming night's cold, you may be in serious trouble. What happens in the next couple of hours may decide whether or not you survive the night. You may not think you'd ever need to learn ...
En he begin to shiver en shake, en say, "Oh, my! OH, my lan'!" en de win' blow de lantern out, en de snow en sleet blow in his face en mos' choke him, en he start a-plowin' knee-deep towards home mos' dead, he so sk'yerd -- en pooty soon he hear de voice agin,...
《Want you to say》舞蹈 《G.O.A.T.》性感爆棚舞蹈 《Brooklyn》帅气性感 “Locking”基础元素教学 《Bartier cardi》编舞 Locking基本功教学part2 “LOCKING”基础元素教学 女神性感翻跳《因为红》 基础元素“pacing”教学 女神编舞《I GOT YOU》 爱奇艺only one “LOCKING”基础元素教学 《BAD BOY》性感翻跳...
tore the boat to pieces.Can you remember?”“I can remember the tail slapping and banging and the thwart breaking and thenoise of the clubbing.I can remember you throwing me into the bow where the wet coiled lines were and feeling the whole boat shiver and the noise of you clubbing him...