Ready to learn "Headset" and 46 other words for Computers in German? Use the illustrations and pronunciations below to get started.
How to say spaghetti in German. Food Words in German: Words for food that derive from other languages, such as "spaghetti", "croissant", or "paella" have a similar spelling and pronunciation in German as well. Note that the word "spaghetti" is already in its plural form in Italian. Ans...
German verbs are conjugated according to some of the same rules that guide the conjugation of English verbs. However, some German verb patterns are a bit more complicated. Answer and Explanation: Related to this Question How do you say this in German?
While hallo will work for most situations, there are many other German greetings you can use. Hi — Hi Turns out Germans say this too! Go ahead and use Hi when speaking with young people or in informal settings. Hey — Hey Yes, you can also just say Hey to greet a friend or goo...
The German language response to thanks depends on the form used and on the situation (casual or more formal).The standard response to Danke is simply:Bitte (literally: please, but in response to thanks meaning you're welcome)In response to Danke schön you will hear and should say:Bitte ...
How to say My name is in German and more Table of Contents 2 How to Introduce Yourself in German 🎓 My name is... in German - Exercise How to Introduce Yourself in German When learning German, one of the first things you’ll need to know is how to introduce yourself. Here are ...
In this lesson we will learn German words and phrases that will allow us to excuse ourselves when we make a mistake, express forgiveness and regret, and say that we are sorry. Es Tut Mir Leid! (I'm sorry!) Everyone makes a mistake from time to time, especially when you are challengi...
Wondering how to say cheers in German? We’ll show you 7 phrases Germans use to toast in bars, at parties, and during Oktoberfest.
To say "goodnight " in German is "guten nacht." The first word, "guten" (which means "good"), is pronounced like this--gooten. The next word is "nacht" (which means "night"); the "t" is silent, it sounds like "knock," and this is where it sounds like you have peanut...
Ich mag Deutsch besser.(I like German more.) What's wrong with the above statement? Actually nothing. But if you would say that to a German speaker, they would immediately know that you are a novice. There are more refined ways to state your preferences that will make your speech more ...