In this lesson you will learn the different ways to form interrogative sentences in French. You will learn structures using ''est-ce que'', intonation, and inversion phrases that will help you to confidently ask questions in any situation. Related...
25.36 - How to Build Negative Sentences in French 40 2023-07 6 26.35 - Parts of the Day in French 46 2023-07 7 27.34 - How to Conjugate French Verb "Vouloir" (to Want) [Present Tense] 29 2023-07 8 28.33 - What Are the Four Seasons in French ...
In French, we do not say “please” with one word, but rather a sentence. In fact, there are two different ways to say it, depending on who you are speaking to. The first way that you need to know to say “please” in French iss’il vous plaît. Let’s break this down: Si ...
and the same goes for French. Learning some everyday greetings in French will be very useful no matter which stage ofFrench learningyou are at. Below are10 different ways to say hello in Frenchthat will cover a variety of situations. So buckle up and read on to get ready for your first...
To pronouncemaintenant, you say “man-teh-nahn” with very soft “n” sounds at the end of syllables. Usingmaintenantas a conjunction The wordmaintenantcan also be used as a conjunction, which connects clauses or sentences. When used as thisFrench part of speech, you’d saymaintenant que(...
25.36 - How to Build Negative Sentences in French 40 2023-07 5 26.35 - Parts of the Day in French 46 2023-07 6 27.34 - How to Conjugate French Verb "Vouloir" (to Want) [Present Tense] 29 2023-07 7 28.33 - What Are the Four Seasons in French ...
Slowly is translated in French by... LentementSlowly Example Sentences with Sound Clips. La tortue marche lentement.The turtle walks slowly. More Example Sentences. Ils ont traversé la rivière lentement et furtivement.They crossed the river slowly and stealthily. Mais il s'est entraîné très...
Yes,literally,Bien faitmeans“Well done.”But it’s never used as“Well done!”in spoken French by itself. Instead, it means:“Serves you right.” = “You deserved that bad thing that happened to you.”We also sayBien fait pour toi !
Saying “sorry” in French to a girl It’s vital to know that despite modifying adjectives to agree with the feminine or plural speaker, we do not change the sentences according to who we are addressing. Simply put, if you want to saysorryin French to a woman or a man, the words rem...
How do you say in French “ to make sure to” in the sence of “make an effort to “? How would you translate the following sentences:The government has to make sure each kid is safe when they go to school.Make sure to move the sofa by Wednesday.We have to make sure there are ...