句中a requirement是同位语,对逗号前面的内容作补充说明,pilots would find relatively easy to meet是定语从句,修饰先行词requirement。2017全国三卷B1. 句意为:布拉德福德把大楼和土地卖给了当地的一家开发商,这家开发商计划在电影院所在的这块地上建一个购物中心。句中which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰之前的a ...
对应原文:第1段:For the so-called power events – that require a relatively brief, explosive release of energy … have improved ten to twenty per cent. In the endurance events the results have been more dramatic. 解析:根据原文内容,需要短时间能量爆发的运动项目的成绩确实有很大提升。但下一句就说...
there has been a steady improvement in how fast athletes run, how high they jump and how far they are able to hurl massive objects, them-selves included, through space. For the so-called power events – that require a relatively brief, explosive release of energy, ...
Someone who's very busy won't spend a lot of time trying to work out what you're trying to say!How can you do this?要是很忙的话,那人不会花多少时间去弄清你想表达什么的。你怎么写这段呢?Start with a simple phrase, like: I'm writing regarding. . . I wanted to follow up on. ...
into google trends. in the image below, you’ll see that there’s a relatively stable level of interest in this topic, so it’s a good candidate for a blog niche. “paleo recipes,” on the other hand, has a much lower degree of interest. this doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea—...
17. D) It is relatively predictable. 18. D) They are too simple. 19. B) It can help connect people. 20. B) Make them more open to learning. 21. C) Convey fundamental values. 22. B) Immigrants have been contributing to the U.S. ...
【解析】How and why, roughly 2 million years ago, early human ancestors evolved large brains and began fashioning relatively advanced stone tools, is one of the great mysteries of evolution. Some researchers argue these changes were brought about by the invention of cooking.(大约200万年前,早期人...
The plot of each superhero film has become relatively predictable. 每部超级英雄电影的情节都变得相对可预测。 The world is in peril. The world needs a hero. The hero is in peril. The hero resolves the peril. The hero saves the world. 世界处于危险之中。世界需要英雄。英雄处于危险之中。英雄解...
( )20.A.to be honestB.good B.funny B.where B.imagined B.put B.safe B.worry B.killed B.relatively B.organized B.carried B.expressions B.embarrassed B.found B.order B.wondered B.Operation B.even if B.attitude B.in that caseC.usual ...
Variants of Caoilfhionn includeCaolán,Caoileann,Kealanand many more. There are a few reasons for all this wide variation in Irish spelling, says Ó Séaghdha. One is that “often those names were popular before people knew how to spell. A relatively old name like Meadhbh would have diff...