Find out how to say Bitch in different languages. We have thousands of swear words from every language in the world!
its easy to take me t its eating fish its exert to say its for tommy and gin its foruhyou knowyour its funny how things its getting restored its gonna workits hap its good to see you m its hard to please ev its heads its in a place youve its interesting its just a matter of ...
That’s OK. Just make sure to master this one word: Hello. “It’s certainly the first thing you should learn,” Touma shares. “Just approaching someone and having this, the most basic of interactions, will open you up to a new reality.” Here are 100 ways to say hello in different...
Spanish is an official language in 20 different countries. It’s of course not difficult to understand why “por favor” is such a common way to say please. The list of countries that use “por favor” includes: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ec...
Sir or Mam is VERY formal — if you work in fine dining this is okay! You can just say “you”. “Would you like something?” and just look at them! If you want to say sir/mam, it is okay! Ronnie Dear Ronnie, this is a first time i saw your teaching really super thanks a...
If so,write to us,we will add it to this dictionary. COOLKIDZ dictionary Coolkidz cool talk, Internet language HELLO dictionary How to say hello in many languages SMILEY dictionary Internet smileys for email and chat BIRTHDAY dictionary
Tahir Khan, Pakistan: my choice is Vishy Anand. Who can be a better man to represent chess? And that coming from a person who lives in a country that is not friendly to India is a true compliment to Vishy, the person and the chess player. ...
Related How to Learn English From Farsi Farsi is the Persian language, spoken in many middle eastern countries including Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. As an Indo-European language, it is grammatically similar to many European languages such as ...
UrdulanguageinPakistan:MeintumhaypyarKartiHun(woman toman)/MeintumhaypyarKartaHun(mantowoman) Vietnamese:Emye'uAnh(womantoman)/Anhye'uEM(manto woman) DongLanguage:YouxXiongcNayh! Afrkaans(AfrikaansAfrikaans)-Ekhetjoulief Albanian(Albania)-TeDua Arabic(Arabia(tomale)-Anabehibak(tomale) Arabic...
* Allow access to the microphone if a popup appears. Step 3. Tap theChange view modeicon to flip the top half of the screen to face the other speaker > Tap theMicrophoneicon facing you and speak. * The app will audibly translate what you say as well as display a transcri...