Nathan: Yeah. Dr. Hudson is the one who is the origin of this idea that Christianity has a financial dimension to it. And that is to say that the sin and the salvation, and the armageddon of Christianity all are perfectly intelligible from a financial perspective, but that financial perspec...
: responding to epistemic and oligarchic challenges [d] Richard E. Blanton, Lane F. Fargher, Gary M. Feinman, & Stephen A. Kowalewski (2021) The fiscal economy of good government: past and present [d] David Graeber & David Wengrow (2021) The dawn of everything: a new history of ...
it would be a mix of that and curious people in their twenties. I think in a lot of music writing—and this is through no fault of anyone other than the oligarchical hedge fund managers—there is an assumption that the readership are the stupidest motherfuckers that ever walked th...
Finally, democratic Athens lost a war and its hegemony to oligarchic Sparta. Athens' great democratic experiment came crashing down. Soon, the wildfire of civil war which had ravaged so many other poleis reached Athens as well. With help from Sparta, a group of oligarchs, later known as the...
We will have trouble distinguishing Covid-19 as an event belonging to a brief lapse of time past. The virus will most likely continue to roar on before settling in for the long haul against the once and future backdrop of oligarchical misrule, only to be interrupted pe...
An interval — long or short, only the gods can say — of oligarchic, intensely surveilled, bread-and-circuses authoritarianism,Blade Runner-orFahrenheit 451-style, seems the most likely outlook for the 21st and 22nd centuries. Still, if most humans are shallow and conformist, some are not. ...
Public advocacy groups, such as the Cellular Phone Task Force, have alsoobjected due to health concernsover increased electromagnetic radiation. But the people have little say over public policy these days. So concluded a study summarized in a January 2021article inForeign Affairs. Princeton ...
I am extremely active in challenging our oligarchic and corporatist gov’t and know full well the extent of hidden agendas on many issues. I don’t necessarily doubt the existence of chemtrails; the logic of it makes some sense considering who we’re dealing with. I am simply asking if ...
'Social Security Too Risky,' Democratic Party Leaders Say (NYT: March 1, 1935) — Responding to President Roosevelt’s vow to push for the passage of Social Security in the recently convened Congress, several Democratic leaders urged caution. "Thi...
Her success earned her the trust of Putin, who backed her independence in the face of a powerful oligarchical lobby that pushed for Sergei Glazyev, a hardline nationalist and promoter of conspiracy theories who is beloved of thesiloviki, to replace her. In December last year, Putin publicly e...