1. (used to acknowledge something very pleasant) a. qué agradable Did you get the chance to see your mother? How nice.¿Tuviste la oportunidad de ver a tu madre? Qué agradable. 2. (used to acknowledge someone very kind) a. qué amable She bought you this gift? How nice is ...
Igualmente: When someone says “Nice to meet you” using one of the expressions found below, you can reply with “Igualmente” (literally “equally”). Me llamo…: When someone asks your name, reply with “Me llamo [first name].” SpanishEnglish equivalentLiteral translationContextFormality ...
How do you say 'you look nice' in Spanish? Giving Compliments in Spanish: In order to compliment someone on their looks, you can use a few phrases that mean 'you look nice' in Spanish, but make sure you use the correct form of the adjective depending on your interlocutor. Answer and ...
2. Susan had started to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life. Even one who would make fun of her cooking. 苏珊开始觉得,生命中有个男人还是挺好的就算是个会嘲笑她厨艺的男人 have使役动词+a man宾语+in her life宾补 ...
How do you say nice talking to you in Spanish? How to say you're pretty in Spanish? How do you say sweet dreams in Spanish? How do you say very pretty in Spanish? How do you say my sweet in French? How do you say you are too sweet in French?
I would ask a question, they would translate the question into Spanish to check they'd understood, and then give the answer in Spanish and translate back into English, often word by word. 我问一个问题,他们会把问题翻译成西班牙语来确认他们是否听懂了,然后用西班牙语给出答案,并逐字翻译成英语。
#10 Enchanté(e) - “Nice to meet you” in French You’re at a party and your French friend waves you over to come meet some other people. They share who you are with their friends and to greet them, you say “enchanté”, or if you’re female, enchantée. It’s a great greetin...
Casual Goodbyes in Spanish Me voy— I’m going, I’m leaving Me voyliterally translates to“I’m going,”so it should come as no surprise that this is an informal way to say goodbye. I’m going… away! Gracias por la visita, perome voy.(Thank you for the visit, but I’m leaving...
Why is it important to know how to say hello in Spanish? Learning a few ways to say hi in Spanish will take no time and will go a long way with Spanish speakers. Whether you’re planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country or have just met some Spanish speakers in your hometown, ...