TulgatsgaayaErUHl mehdiin toloo Tul-gats-gAH-ya NorwegianSkålSkawl PolishNa zdrowieNaz-droh-vee-ay PortugueseSaúdeSaw-OO-de RomanianNoroc SanatateNo-rock Sahn-atate RussianБудемздоровы НаздоровьеBudem zdorovi Nahz-drovia SerbianživeliZhee-ve-lee SlovakNa zdravi...
I'm now off to consider this year'sMalta Song for Europe. I must admit that on first listen I'm not too thrilled about this year's offerings. I most definitely don't see a Eurovision winner in any of them...but stranger things have happened on that scene in recent years, so I'm...