赞许(zànxǔ) and赞扬(zànyáng) both mean to commend or speak favorably of someone. 赞佩(zànpèi) and赞赏(zànshǎng) mean to admire and appreciate someone. 赞美(zànměi) and赞颂(zànsòng) mean to praise or to eulogize. Hymns are called赞美诗(zànměishī) or赞美歌(zànměigē). 赞不...
觉悟(juéwù) means to come to realize the truth, or to wake up to reality, such as that involving one’s past misconception, mistakes or bad behavior.悔悟(huǐwù) is to repent. The expression执迷不悟(zhímíbùwù) describes people who stubbornly stick to their bad ways or a wrong ca...
A popular way to say “stay at home” is to use the verb “宅” / zhái which is used to mean “hang out at home”, rather than the more formal verb “待” /dāi (to stay [at a place]). During this National Day Holiday week, you’ll hear a lot of Chinese people using the ...
I would say 你学了几年英语?but this mean you are learnig english a few years,right? 答案 你学习英语多久了? 相关推荐 1 How to say in chinese:how long are you learnig english? I would say 你学了几年英语?but this mean you are learnig english a few years,right?
We have a handy little video below with audio and scenarios to show you how to say goodbye in Chinese, but read on for a brief introduction into two phrases you might have heard. You should definitely learn these if you’re often saying goodbye in Chinese!
You might say "nihao" to mean "hello" to a foreign friend. People are using Pinyin more often than before. For example, fewer foreigners use "dumplings". They like to use "jiaozi". And "mantou" is for "steamed-bun". The Oxford English Dictionary has more than 100 Chinese words in ...
Looking at the Chinese characters 挂念 guàniàn, it might not be immediately apparent how you can use them to mean “I miss you” in Chinese. The Chinese word 挂 guà usually means “to hang” or “to hang up,” but it also means “to be concerned about.” When taken together, the...
“我的名字是 (wǒde mínɡzi shì)” and “我叫 (wǒ jiào)” both mean “my name is.” But in spoken language, we tend to use “我叫 (wǒ jiào)” which is Simpler. “我的名字是 (wǒde mínɡzi shì)” is the literal translation of “my name is.” For example: Nǐ jiào ...
If you write or say the phrase to someone you haven’t seen in a while, it is most likely to be interpreted to mean “I miss you,” whereas if you saw your girlfriend or boyfriend only yesterday, 我想你 wǒ xiǎng nǐ will usually mean “I’m thinking of you.” How the phrase ...
There are two ways to say "to know" in Chinese: 知道 (zhī dào) and 认识 (rèn shi) . But there are very important differences between the two. There are certain circ