How to say gay in German Below are the words that compose our German Gay Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. But first, some information about aspects of this dictionary that we think are relevant. At first, the search for words in the German language to name fags was an eni...
Find out how to say Bitch in different languages. We have thousands of swear words from every language in the world!
How to say gay in Swahili Below are the words of our Swahili Gay Dictionary that we will expand in new editions. If you know any more, please, contact us. But first some information about the language and where it is spoken. Swahili is a language of the Niger-Congo family spoke...
28. Swahili: Asante An alternative is nashukuru, which literally means I appreciate you. Another word for thank you is shukrani, although it’s not used as often. 29. Swedish: Tack It’s quite common to say tackar (thanks) or tack så mycket (thanks so much), the latter of which...
Want to tell the person you love how you feel? Learn how to say ‘I love you’ in various languages from around the world and how to pronounce them correctly! According to The Beatles, “All you need is love”, they weren’t wrong! When you feel loved, it gives you the drive and...
Say yes to the next 5 requests—-no matter what they are Stop Asking About Uninteresting Things Being interesting is about doing interesting things, but the flip side is being interested in other people’s interesting things. You become interesting when you are interested in other people’s inte...
Swahili is said to have originated from Arabic, among other languages. It’s possible the language came from interactions between Arabs and East Africans back in the day. 47. Uzbek: go’zal Where it’s spoken:Uzbekistan 48. Amharic: k’onijo ...
If love is a universal language, and "I love you" is the most important thing to say, how will you tell the world how you feel? Here are more than 165 ways to say "I love you" in different languages.
How to Say I Love You in 100 Different Languages CANTONESEsun lin fi lok / kung hé fat tsoi CATALANbon any nou CHINESE (MANDARIN)xin nian kuai le/ xin nian hao CORNISHbledhen nowedh da CORSICANpace è salute CROATIANsretna nova godina ...
教你怎么说我爱你(TeachyouhowtosayIloveyou) Iloveyou! English:Iloveyou! French:Jet'aime/Jet'adore! German:IchLiebedich! Russian:YavasIyublyu,YaTibiaLyublyu! Japanese:thewomaninlove!(AIIsiteRu) Korean:Tangshin-icho-a-yo! Italian:Tiamo,Tivogliobene!