physical, and emotional abuse. As you explore the different types of toxic parents, you’ll start to see the impact their toxic behavior has had on you, and more importantly, you’ll begin to understand that you didn
Need to determine risk of rash associated with lamotrigine; Lack of details regarding the cause of lamotrigine; Symptoms of the Stevens-Johnson disease that existed due to the rash; Review of the clinical trials of lamotrigine in patients with bipolar disorder....
Miklowitz: Sure. Well, there's the medicines and then there's the psychotherapies, and the medicines that we've found are most effective are mood stabilizers. In that category are drugs like lithium, valproic acid or valproate, which is also called Depakote—Lamotrigine, which is also called...
Treatment guidelines in the United States say that once you find an antipsychotic medication that works for you, you should stay on it to keep your symptoms manageable and prevent the return of your most disruptive symptoms. That can mean lifetime treatment. But research is continuing to look a...
During the session, Dr Pennell discussed her personal treatment strategy for patients taking lamotrigine along with estrogen contraceptives. She suggests that physicians create a target concentration level while a patient is on a contraceptive, and reduce the dose by 50% once the patient stops taking...
lamotriginepharmacologySteven-Johnson syndrometoxic epidermal necrolysisderelictionstandard of caredirect causeThis column is the second of a 3-part series describing cases where general medical knowledge, including psychiatric and clinical pharmacology, were instrumental in determining dereliction and direct ...
In that category are drugs like lithium, valproic acid or valproate, which is also called Depakote—Lamotrigine, which is also called Lamictal. Those are mood stabilizers, and interestingly, they also have a role in the treatment of epilepsy, at least Lamictal and Depakote do. Then we have ...