I was taught to always respond with 一人, 二人, 三人, etc. My sensei told us to never say 一名様, 二名様, 三名様, etc., but she never told us why. I only learned why a few years back when I went to the Shibuya TGI Fridays with my friend Yoichi. When greeted with the question...
How to Draw Anime Emotions and Facial Expressions Anime characters often have strong emotions. Below we'll learn how to express different emotions by adjusting eyes, eyebrows, and mouth/lips. How to Draw an Angry Anime Girl How to Draw Anime and Manga Facial Expressions How to Draw an Anime ...
12 Katsuki Bakugo &Moe KamijiAre Two Sides Of The Same Explosive Coin. Is Todoroki a Dabi? It is later revealed that Dabi is actuallythe eldest son of the Todoroki family, Toya Todoroki (in Japanese 轟 燈矢), who was long thought to have been deceased. ... He is the archenemy of bot...
Who's to say if audiences would buy a marketing campaign like Suicide Squad's again, after all, as mentioned above, Suicide Squad's disappointment could be partly to blame for Justice League's low turnout, but at the very least there's something to be said for an honest marketing campaig...