SPANISH AND ENGLISH EXAMPLE SENTENCES Examples for Everything Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. REGIONAL TRANSLATIONS Say It like a Local Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other Spanish-speaking country. ...
You probably already know basic greetings like "¡Hola!" and "¿Cómo estás".There are also various ways to say "Hi", "Hello",or "How are you" in Spanish.Learning how to greet someone is the first step to make a conversation in Spanish.Here is a list of Spanish greetings that y...
En qué se diferencia el gerundio Complejo de fututo perfecto?@martazazo martazazo 7月20日 西班牙语 (西班牙) @kirill0987tartmn hola, por favor no mezcles preguntas en el mismo post porque entonces la gente se confunde, haz un post para cada pregunta porque sino vamos a mezclar las resp...
Why do there have to be so many ways to say "you"? Basically, Spanish makes several linguistic distinctions that we do not make in English. Singular vs. Plural In standard English, we differentiate between singular (one person) and plural (2+ people) in first person (I, we) and ...
Answer to: How to say you in Spanish By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. You can also ask...
If you're at a Spanish-speaking restaurant and want to pay the bill, here's how to ask for the check.
If you’re traveling to a Spanish speaking country, one of the first things you’ll learn in Spanish is how to say ‘please’. There are so many scenarios where you’ll need to use it. So, if you’re looking for a quick guide on please in Spanish, some contexts in which you’ll...
How do you say gain in Spanish? Spanish Nouns: In Spanish some nouns can be translated differently depending on the context. It is also important not to forget that every Spanish speaking country might be more used certain words than others. ...
77 other different ways to say hi in SpanishIn our guide below, we will list the English greeting followed by the equivalent Spanish greeting, followed up with the IPA. Now, let’s get into the greetings! Common greetings in SpanishEnglishSpanishIPA pronunciationHelloHolaˈolaHow are you?¿...