1. (used to address one person) a. ¿Cómo estuvo tu día? (informal) (singular) Hi, honey! How was your day?¡Hola, querido! ¿Cómo estuvo tu día? b. ¿Cómo te fue hoy? (informal) (singular) How was your day at work today? I hope it went well.¿Cómo te fue hoy...
Answer to: How to say life in Spanish By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. You can also ask...
So, uh,how was yourdinner with Larry the other night? Así que, ¿cómo estuvo tucena con Larry la otra noche? Sohow was yourfirst weekend with the boys? ¿Qué tal elprimer fin de semana con los chicos? Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln,how was yourday?
The most common way to say hello in Spanish is hola. It's very similar to how we would use "hello" in English; it's appropriate for both formal and informal conversations and can be used at anytime of day or night. If you're greeting someone in the morning, ...
Answer to: How to say when is your birthday in Spanish By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions...
English - Spanish translator ¿Cómo te fue hoy? Share your feedback: CAT tools integration Let us know if you'd like to use Glosbe Translator in your CAT Tool. Optionally you can leave us your email so we can notify you when the plugin is available. ...
In this article, we’ll cover the different ways you can say “goodbye” in Spanish. We’ll start off simple and then move on to more specific phrases for other contexts. We’ll also give you some fancy options to show off to your friends and some info o
How do you say ''anytime'' in Spanish? ''Anytime'' in Spanish: There are multiple phrases in Spanish that can be translated as ''anytime.'' We can use some of them with the literal meaning of ''at any moment'' or ''whenever,'' and others as an informal reply to ''thanks.'...
Choose your plan Know your audience So, as you are building up your conversational Spanish skills, first get comfortable with the basic ways of how to say “How are you?” in Spanish. That’s “Cómo está?” and “¿Cómo estás?. ...
You’ll notice a common theme among many ways to say goodbye in Spanish. Adiós— Goodbye Adiósshould be your basic go-to word whenever you’re not sure how to appropriately say goodbye. That’s because it’s incredibly common and can be used formally or informally. ...