How to say 'shut up' in German 'Shut Up' in German: As in English, the German expression for 'shut up' is considered impolite and it would only be used in very informal situations. In everyday situations, you would use more neutral expressions. Answer and Explanation: The German equi...
How do you say no way in German? How to say what in German How do you say what's up in German? How do you say what are you doing in German? How do you say one in German? How do you say something in German? How do you say one way in German?
根据第一段第一句可知“Teenagers at one German school are learning how to achieve happiness”德国学校的青少年在学习怎样获得获得快乐。由此可知,这门课是学习寻找快乐的方法。故选C。【小题9】考查名词词义辨析。句意:一起做饭是课堂练习之一,同时还会在两位专业女演员的指导下提升肢体语言。A. problems问题;B...
此时问话的一方有义务进一步询问具体的情况;所以如果想尽快进入正题,中性的(neutral)回答是ready to co...
It’s better tosay noand potentially disappoint a customer than hedge with falsehoods such as “Hmm, good idea, let me check with the product team and get back to you.” If the answer is really no, it’s best to be upfront about that. ...
G: Hi, S! What's up!H: Yeah, I was just wondering if you still want to go see that ...
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Eilkrankheit(German): Feeling an overwhelming and continual sense of urgency. Ei viitsi(Estonian): The feeling of slight laziness, can’t be bothered by anything. A lack of desire to work or go anywhere. Elated or Elation: A feeling marked by high spirits; an exhilarating psychological state...
【题目】Teenagers at one German school are learning how to achieve happiness alongside other traditional subjects such as math and languages. The class sit in a circle with their eyes shut and they count from one to ten: someone starts, the next voice comes from the far right, a third ...
Use the links in the German version for more information here : further analyses can be translated === 关于阅读本文的技巧: 自从梅西领衔的阿根廷被法国击败后,很多人对于梅西都提出了质疑...