Find out how to say Bitch in different languages. We have thousands of swear words from every language in the world!
Now, onto this week's topic: How to talk dirty (without feeling like an idiot). Q: My boyfriend and I have pretty good sex, if I do say so myself. Only problem is, when it's comes to talking dirty, I have no clue what to do. I know things might be hotter if...
1 month imanidiot Re: "learnt many things about how not to run a company" The problem is that far too often, the idiots still try to do something and DO keep getting in the way. Idiots in positions like that far to often end up in the actually competent people burning out or lea...
They visualize the animal and telepathically say its name to get its attention. They ask the animal a question, often by transmitting a picture. The psychic may use pictures in addition to or instead of words. The psychic imagines the animal responding and waits for a response. Many describe...
aI know you are stupid, but you also do not say ah hee hee my little idiot 我知道您是愚笨的,但您也不说啊hee hee我的小蠢货[translate] aDisable or uninstall any anti-virus, disk defragmentation or backup unilities. Check your hard drive configuration, and check for any updated drivers. ...
My mother seems to appreciate having a grammar lover in the family. For Christmas one year, she even bought me the book I Judge You When You Use Poor Grammar. (By the way, it is equally correct to say “bad grammar.”) Recently, my mother emailed to ask if she was using the word...
Never hire an engineer on the basis of questions any idiot could answer. If you ignore the above maxim, the result of your negligence may one day wind up becoming your boss. —Based on an intelligent comment frombairespace If you take a job with a company that asks you questions any idi...
Masterful conversationalists are usually not afraid to say, “I don’t know.” Similarly, a public speaker won’t add random facts or opinions that they can’t back up with authentic knowledge on the topic. Pro tip: Not a master in your subject? No worries! Most people have limited kn...
You might not care what my judgment is, and you probably don’t, like if I was, “Oh, man, that sounds like a terrible place to grow up,” you wouldn’t care because I’m some idiot that you just met. But the fact that you opened yourself up and exposed little bit of ...
As always, translating this phrase will make you feel like an idiot or a Neo-Confucianist philosopher, so just concentrate on understanding it in Japanese. I noticed that other people who did the 景気, notably guys, always said 付けろ rather than 付けて. Whenever it was my turn, though,...