Ready to make work more enjoyable for yourself and others? Here's how to do just that by leveraging humor.
but a sense of humor can be a powerful helper in getting rid of rigid thinking. Developing a sense of humor helps you understand yourself and have a flexible mind no matter what the situation is, so that you are not confined to a negative...
The basic keys to adding humor to your speech are:relevance, and unexpected insightLet's say you were doing a talk about ESPN or sports fanatics or even just sports in general. You might try the following "used" joke:"A sports-buff showed up at the sold-out football game. He took ...
What makes you funny is unique to you and the way you observe the world. Trust that you do have a funny bone; as babies, we laugh from four months of age, and all children express humor naturally from the kindergarten age, using humor to entertain themselves and others.”(有趣并不是...
A good sense of humor can make you the life of the party and help you go easier on yourself.Using different forms of tricks, you’ll have people around you roaring with laughter. Learn to tell the sort of jokes you find funny. Once you’ve learned what kind of humor you enjoy, try...
How Humor Takes the Edge off Hard Times When life feels difficult, humor can be a coping mechanism that relieves stress and offers the breathing room to keep going, scientists say. 当生活变得艰难时,幽默可以成为一种缓解压力的应对机制,帮助人们喘口气、继续前行,科学家如是说。
instead. Therefore: Use silence or tryto humorthe person whenever you can. Know that you cannot "fix" impossible people. These people cannot and do not listen toreason.Don’t deal with the person one-on-one. Always suggest thata third partybe brought in. If the person refuses, demand ...
If you intend using humor in your talk to make people smile, you must know how to identify shared experiences and problems. Your humor must be relevant to the audience and should help to show them that you are one of them or that you understand their situation and are in sympathy with ...
Humor can help you overcome conflict only when both parties are in on the joke. (确保你们俩都参与了这个笑话。只有当双方都在开玩笑时,幽默才能帮助你克服冲突)”和下文“If he or she isn’t likely to appreciate the joke, don’t say or do it, even if it’s “all in good fun”. When ...
Many speakers hesitate to create a funny PowerPoint or add humor to a speech. The hesitation is easy to understand. They just don't know how to be humorous in a speech. Adding humor to a presentation is a great way to make your presentation memorable. (Image source:Envato Elements) ...