On the flipside, other men say that you have to treat a hot girlcompletelydifferently. They assert that the reality of a hot girl is so different from that of other girls – constantly being on – that you have to take your game to the next level in order to get her. So, which cam...
But to the plant, flowers are a deadly serious business; the plant's survival depends on the appeal of its flower to a distinctly non-human client list. Sensory-stimulating petals and odors have one purpose: to draw pollinating insects and animals to the plant's reproductive organs, the stam...
Aster amellus‘Veilchenkönigin’. Purple flowers of up to 5cm (2") across and mildew-resistance make this a great cultivar for a humid atmosphere. What you’ll need to grow Asters To plant an Aster you will need: Gloves. Garden spade. ...
If you can believe it (I can’t), I once said (on this very blog!) and I quote: “Some raw food types grate them into obscurity or juice them in order to eat them, but I don’t recommend it. ” Ah, the ignorance of youth! Or at least the fears of a beet newbie. You know...
TheEden Project, located in Cornwall in the United Kingdom, is another dome masterpiece. The project includes two huge domes that are climate controlled to emulate different regions from around the world. One dome, for example, encloses a very warm and humid tropical environment that keeps the...
Transpiration can cause animals to become dehydrated, but it also can be important in cooling down their bodies. When human bodies become overheated, they produce perspiration, which cools the surface of the skin somewhat. If the air around us is too humid, however, then it a...
Regal, aka ‘Martha Washington’ (P. x domesticum): bicolor burgundy, lavender, pink, and white blooms; fussy—prefers cool, wet, climate conditions to hot, humid, and/or sunny; inappropriate conditions will reduce flower production; often a houseplant ...
Virginia Creeper is the name for all species of deciduous vining plants in the genusParthenocissus. Parthenocissus is derived from the Greek for “virgin ivy.” The species name,quinquefolia, refers to the formation of the foliage, as the leaves appear in groups of five. These prolific vining ...
Affected by the subtropical humid climate, the East Asian monsoon is long, humid and hot in summer, cool and dry in winter, with occasional cold waves. The average monthly temperature ranges from ° C ° f in January to ° C ° f in July), the annual average temperature is ° C ° ...
Politics and the economy How to explore the countries in the world Geographical zones Equatorial humid zone Equatorial and tropical coral islands Subequatorial forests, bush and savanna in the north Subequatorial forests, bush and savanna in the south Tropical humid- north Tropical humid- south Tropi...