192 Vietnam Vietnamese Chào bạn Tạm biệt Làm ơn Cảm ơn bạn 193 Yemen Arabic Marhaba Ma’a as-salama Min fadlak Shukran 194 Zambia English Hello Goodbye Please Thank you 195 Zimbabwe English Hello Goodbye Please Thank you About the Author Ellery Rosin Program Staff...
Urdu - adaab or salam or as salam alei kum (the full form, to which the reply would be waa lay kum assalaam in most cases) Vietnamese— xin chào (pronounced sin CHOW) Welsh— shwmae (South Wales; pronounced "shoe-my"), "Sut Mae" North Wales (pronounced "sit my"), or S'...
A little while back, I made a lesson about how to be polite and show respect in English. It really focused on how to say no politely, how to make polite requests and suggestions but it did get me thinking about showing respect in English because many other languages have really specific ...
When written withkanji(漢字, Chinese characters),konnichiwa(今日は) literally translates to “as for today.” That means it’s most appropriate to use it during the day—preferably the afternoon. For the morning and evening, it’s better to use an alternative way to say “hello” or a gre...
So do you know any Authentic Vietnamese restaurants in Beijing? There are some Good and authentic ones in Sanlitun. Guomao (China World Trade Center). They have really nice food. I had the paella, pretty authentic, I must say. Spanish el chivi that you have in summer, I thought it wa...
second question, but the short form you mentioned may be "Tùy". I often use it to say "...
Find out how to say Bitch in different languages. We have thousands of swear words from every language in the world!
How to tell in interview if it ask:” Tell me about yourself “ imranwarsi80 Tell them positive things you have done in your life – education, travelling, sports etc. Ronnie I hope you will have more well lessons vietnamese Hi Ronnie! I love you and your lessons. I learn English ...
Ukranianбудьмо (Na zdorov’ya)(Let’s live long) BudmoNahz-drovia Boodmo VietnameseDô Vô Một hai ba, yo(one, two, three, yo)Jou Dzo Moat hi bah, yo WelshIechyd daYeh-chid dah YiddishSei gesundSay geh-sun
If love is a universal language, and "I love you" is the most important thing to say, how will you tell the world how you feel? Here are more than 165 ways to say "I love you" in different languages.