How to say I miss you in Japaneseあなたがいなくて寂しいです How to say I miss you in Laoຂ້ອຍຄິດຮອດເຈົ້າ In the above table, you can also find ways to pronounce I miss you in different Indian languages such as Hindi, Telugu, Mar...
Find out how to say Bitch in different languages. We have thousands of swear words from every language in the world!
Maori— kia ora (kia o ra) (literally "be well/healthy" and is translated as an informal "hi." This term has also been adopted by English speakers in New Zealand), tena koe, ata marie, morena (good morning) Marathi— namaskar Marshallese— iakwe (pronounced YAH kway) Mongolian— sain...
Marathi – Me tula prem karto Mohawk – Kanbhik Moroccan – Ana moajaba bik Nahuatl – Ni mits neki Navaho – Ayor anosh’ni Norwegian – Jeg Elsker Deg Pandacan – Syota na kita!! Pangasinan – Inaru Taka Papiamento – Mi ta stimabo Persian – Doo-set daaram Pig Latin – Iay ov...
I m ready to give my voice in Marathi language, I have a natural but sweet voice Niki Clark November 23, 2021, 10:32 am Hi! Sounds good, head over to oursign up pageand build out your profile with demos that showcase your voice over talent. You can use thesesample scriptsfor your ...
The poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning asked an important question in her Sonnet 43 ("How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways"). I've counted more than 165 ways to say I love you in different languages, and I present them below. Scroll down to find out how to express yourself to th...
om.ranade Community Beginner , Dec 10, 2023 Copy link to clipboard Hi, I'm writing a ebook in Marathi language. I'm using Nirmala UI font. While uploading my ebook on amazon I understood that I need to set my book content's Language tags as Marathi (aka. Select language as Ma...
Shall i getting NCERT books in Marathi medium Malla firdoussays Keep it up Umakanta dashsays SIR,I AM HANDICAPPED STUDENT IN GENERAL COMMUNITY AND B.COMM PASSOUT.PLEASE TELL ME HOW I APPLY IAS? GURUNATHsays hello….sir/madam I am completed my degree graduation in open university of Karnataka...
Another thing to keep in mind about when people talk about aperture or f stops is they say they are shooting “wide open” or a “narrow” or “smaller aperture.” When people say they are wide open or to “open up your aperture” they mean to lower your number. ...
Hi. Let's say I have a unicode value in a String variable: dim s as string I need to show the value contained in this variable on the screen. This value can be any language (Japanese, Chinese, Hebrew, Greek, French, etc.). It doesn't