The related Hoi is another similar-sounding variant that’s used more often in southern Germany. Hallöchen — Hi there / Howdy-do This is a somewhat flamboyant, friendly way to say hi. It’s a diminutive form of hallo, so it’s a bit like saying “little hello.” Cute! Huhu — ...
How to say ' How you doing? ' in German? 这个在 德语 里怎么说? 查看翻译 angelinagermany 2018年3月23日 德语 西班牙语 (西班牙) 半母语者 英语(美国) 半母语者 Was geht bei dir? 查看翻译 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) 有帮助 (0) [来自HiNative]Hi!正在学习外语的你 你知道如何提升...
阿拉伯语 its germany language right ? 查看翻译 Elske 2017年8月6日 荷兰语 No. 🙂We speak Dutch. Dutch is the language of The Netherlands.German is a different language.The Netherlands = Dutch = NiederländischGermany = German = Deutsch 查看翻译 Highly-rated answerer 这个答案有帮...
In this lesson we will learn specific national and regional vocabulary as well as some important facts about when and why to use certain greetings and goodbyes in Germany. Related to this Question How do you say good night in German?
关于法语(法国) 的问题 How do you say Germany in French 这个在 法语 (法国) 里怎么说? 查看翻译 AI_monga 3月18日 Formal translation: Comment dit-on Allemagne en français ? 复制 Casual translation: Comment on dit Allemagne en français ? 复制 In the formal translation, the use of...
There are two ways to say“country” in Korean. These are 나라 (nara) and 국가 (gukga). 나라 (nara) The first word,나라 (nara), is more frequently used in conversation or when saying phrases such as “our country,” which in Korean translates to 우리 나라 (uri...
I never had low esteem until I was laid of of work then it hit the floor. I am doing a lot better now but it hasn't return to normal yet. Vote up, useful and insteresting, Joyce How to Help Kids Cope With Exam-Related Stress: 5 Tips ...
translatedTravelify,Pinbinorother our WordPress themesyou can send me “.po” language files and I will add them to the default theme installation. I will feature your name on the theme itself as well as I will give credit on this website. I appreciate your support and will say a proper...
In 1450, a goldsmith named Johannes Gutenberg in Germany invented the modern printing press. The impact of his machine is sometimes compared to the invention of the Internet. Although ancient Chinese people invented paper in 105 AD and used woodblock printing before 200 AD, Gutenberg’s printing...