How To Say Please, Thank You, Hello And Goodbye in Every Country Why Learn Basic Words in Other Languages? One way to show respect to the people and places you visit is to learn basic phrases like “hello” and “please” in their language. Even a single word in the local tongue can...
In most languages, the standardhelloformula usually includes not onlyhelloitself, but alsohow are you?. To return the greeting you usually sayI’m fine, thank you, how are you?. In Russian, unlike in English, these phrases depend on who you talk to (whether your greeting is formal or i...
Formal translation: Hello! How should I express it, "important to" or "important for"? 复制 Casual translation: Hey! How do I say, "important to" or "important for"? 复制 Explanation in Russian: Вформальномпереводеиспользованоболееформ...
but i cant stop to ke but i cannot guarante but i certainly linge but i could say every but i deleted but i didnt read anyt but i disagree but i do believe in a but i do do feel but i don t think you but i fail to see how but i follow after if but i got something o bu...
Learning German or Russian must be hell for native English speakers 😂 查看翻译 1 like 已被注销的用户 2021年1月25日 @T1M3BR34K I guess you're right, and not only for English native speakers😅 All you need is a lot of practice. 查看翻译 1 like 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... ...
We lost a good soldier to the game of life but hey, such is life. Take care Rach, try not to lose your voice/get sick every other day while teaching elsewhere and may the Gods allow for a Seoul OG crew reunion sometime in the future! I can safely say that the only thing I ...
Having an "A+" equates with being able to say "I have an A+". - from this answer by Tom Leek. Mozilla Observatory Read about Mozilla Observatory here and about Observatory Scoring Methodology. I also got the highest summary note (A+) on the Observatory with a very high test score (...
Nginx(/ˌɛndʒɪnˈɛks/ EN-jin-EKS, stylized as NGINX or nginx) is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server. It is originally written byIgor Sysoev. For a long time, it has been running on many heavily loaded Russian sit...
Masha didn't speak any English. Lailaa barely spoke Russian, but her parents invited us over to their house. And so we went. We went for this playdate. So we knock on the door, and Masha's parents open the door so graciously and welcome us into their home. And we step forward, ...
Asked by reporters if Russian oligarchs could qualify for the visa, Mr. Trump responded, "Possibly." He added, "Hey, I know some Russian oligarchs that are very nice people. It's possible. They're not as wealthy as they used to be. I think they could afford — I think they c...