In which countries is “por favor” in common use? What are languages where hello and goodbye are the same or similar? How To Say Please, Thank You, Hello, And Goodbye in Every Country Why should we learn how to say please in different languages? One way to show respect for the people...
12、 And have you noticed that half the time when he sayshes going to 3 some thing, he never actually does it? He told me three times hed come to fix the light in my kitchen, and he still hasnt done it.Lesson3ADave: Hello?Jim: Hi. My names Jim Hunt. Im calling about the ad ...
44、in Belgium. I was on my way to the airport, so I was standing on the side of the road with my bags, trying to figureout the bus schedule. Anyway, this a bunch of guys came by and asked if they could help me. They spoke very broken English, and I couldn t really understand...
● Limburgish: Spoken in southeastern Netherlands and northeastern Belgium, Limburgish has distinct features and is sometimes considered a separate language. ● Flemish: Refers to the Dutch dialects in Flanders, Belgium, with unique vocabulary and pronunciation. ● Frisian: A separate but related languag...
Imagine seeing this scene in Japan and being able to express, “beautiful” 9. Japanese: kireina Where it’s spoken:Japan 10. Punjabi: sudara Where it’s spoken: Punjab region (India, Pakistan) 11. German: schön Where it’s spoken:Germany, Austria, Belgium (Eupen-Malmedy), Luxembourg,...
have personal problems orsomething.W2:I think you're right.And have you noticedthat half the time when he said he was gonnado something,he never actually does it.He toldme three times that he'd come to fix the light inmy kitchen,and he still hasn't done it.Advanced 3-1M1:Hello!M2...
35、tentolockthelocker.B:I'msorry.That'sterrible!Didyoulosemuchmoney?A:Onlyabout$20.ButIlostmycreditcardandmydriver'license.Whatapain!B:Hmm.ThatremindsmeofwhenIhadmypursestolenlastyear.A:Really?Whathappened?B:Well,itwaswhenIwasinBelgium.Iwasonmywaytotheairport,soIwasstandingonthesideoftheroa ...
Tu veux te joindre à nous ? Oui, je veux bien –Do you want to join us? Yes I’d like that Other uses ofs’il vous plaît In some parts of Belgium and Eastern France,s’il te plaîtands’il vous plaîtare used instead ofvoiciwhen presenting or giving an object to someone. ...
He told me three times he’d come to fix the light in my kitchen, and he still hasn’t done it. 第3课 A: Hello? B: Hi. My name’s Jim Hunt. I’m calling about the ad for a roommate. A: Oh, right. B: Are you still looking for someone? A: Yes, we are. B: Oh, ...
Velyio = Belgium –Βέλγιο Voulgaria = Bulgaria –Βουλγαρία Yermania = Germany –Γερμανία Learn Common Greek Phrases In all the following, “e” is read as in “egg” and “th” is read as in “this”. The emphasis in pronunciation falls on the syllab...