If you’re a leader of people, projects, or processes, there will come a time when you’ll have to say hard things to good people at work. It’s inevitable. The hard things might be issues that emerge in your company’s regular performance management process. But more often today, we ...
but try to pay attention tohowyou’re doing it. Write down a list of things you thought you did badly, and things you did adequately but struggled with. Also if at some point you got stuck, note where you got stuck.
abandon, or dismiss someone or something that has become redundant, obsolete, useless, or unwanted.例句:I can't believe that after 20 years of hard work the company would just kick me to the curb like that!I think it's about time we kick this old computer to the curb.I heard...
If we eat something too hot or too cold, or if the tooth is worn down enough where the tissue 29 is exposed, all of those things cause pain, and then the pain causes the person not to use that tooth to try to protect it a little bit more. So it's really a protective mechanism ...
Sothewaytogetoutofarutistotrysomethingnewandchallengeyourself.因此,摆脱陈规的方法是尝试新事物并挑战自己。Mystudentsalwayshearmesay, ifitdoesn'tchallengeyou, itwon'tchangeyou.我的学生总是听到我说,没有挑战,就没有改变。IfyouneedsomenewideasforsomethingstotryinEnglish, thatwillgetyououtofyourcomfort...
What do I do myself whenever I have something hard to deal with (like telling someone “no”), especially because I’m a hard-core people-pleaser? I practice what I want to say to them first. Perhaps you have to give a speech, and you hate public speaking. ...
In life, we often do the things we want to do, and we don't do the things we don't ...
ll have to work very hard. I wasn’t sure of that as a kid. Schoolwork varied in difficulty; one didn’t always have to work super hard to do well. And some of the things famous adults did, they seemed to do almost effortlessly. Was there, perhaps, some way to evade hard work ...
Don'timmediatelystartrespondingwithafirstthingthatcomestomind.不要一想到就马上开始回应。Thinkaboutyouroverallanswer, anditshouldtakeonly2-3seconds.想想你的整体答案,应该只需要 2 到 3 秒。Andthemoreyoudoit, thebetteryougetatit.你思考得越多,就会说得越好。Butthinkaboutthebeginning - whatyouwanttosay...
演讲题目:How to make hard choices 演讲简介: 我应该从事哪个职业?我应该分手——还是结婚?我应该住在哪里?像这样的重大决定可能非常困难。但这是因为我们以错误的方式思考它们,哲学家Ruth Chang说。在这篇演讲中,她为塑造真正的我们提供了一个强大的新框架。