how handsome( hau hahn - suhm ) interjection 1.(used to recognize remarkable handsomeness) a.qué guapo How handsome you are! I like when you put on a suit.¡Qué guapo eres! A mí me gusta cuando te pones un traje. b.qué apuesto ...
Discover the enchanting world of Italian greetings. Learn how to say hello in different contexts with our helpful tutorial.
How do you say handsome in Spanish? How to say really in Spanish How do you say pumpkin in Spanish? How do you say it's hot in Spanish? How do you say too hot in Spanish? How do you say hot in Spanish? How do you say southern in Spanish?
How do you say handsome in Spanish? How to say called in Spanish How do you say call me in Spanish? How do you say did you call me in Spanish? How do you say I will call you in Spanish? How do you say you are mean in Spanish?
How do you say handsome in Spanish? How do you say hug in Spanish? How do you say hug me in Spanish? How do you say beautiful in Spanish? How do you say you are so beautiful in Spanish? How do you say good luck in Spanish?
So, naturally, there are many reasons to learn how to say "I love you" in Spanish, like looking to impress a Spanish-speaking significant other, expressing your appreciation for loved ones, or simply deepening your understanding of the Spanish language and culture. Here are a few specific ...
beautiful. Pronounce either of these short phrases as "oon bell fem" or "oon jo-lee fem," respectively. For a girl, rather than woman, use "fille" instead of "femme." Pronounce the former term "fee." To describe a handsome man, say"un bel homme,"which is pronounced, "uh bell umm...
Whether you’re planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country, trying to impress someone special, or just want to add some flair to your language skills, learning how to flirt in Spanish is a fun and rewarding experience. 👉 In this blog, we’ll exploreessential vocabulary, phrases, and...
Although it is most often used when referring to a female, this phrase may also be said to a very handsome man or child. How are you today, beautiful? ( hau ar yu tuh - dey byu - dih - fuhl) phrase 1. (general) a. ¿Cómo estás hoy, precioso? (informal) (masculine) (singu...
There isn’t only one way to say “amazing” in Spanish – there are a few words that work. You could useincreíble(“incredible”),asombroso(“astounding”) ormaravilloso(“marvellous”). All of them have similar meanings. So if you want to tell your loved one they’re amazing, sayEres...