(Hallelujah, Praise God!, Praise the Lord in some Bibles) - ("Praise Jah, YOU people!" in NW) - Revelation 19:1 DRB, KJ, Yg (g239) - al'uh-LOO-yuh] * [ almond - almond - Ecclesiastes 12:5 (h8247) - AH-muhnd, AM-uhnd, AL-muhnd, AHL-, AWL-] * [ almug] * [ (...
18. “To survive and even thrive in a changing world, nature offers another great lesson: the survivors are those who at the least adapt to change, or even better learn to benefit from change and grow intellectually and personally. That means careful listening and constant learning.”― France...
The word in the Hebrew is Eretz. The word you mentioned HaAretz is in the form of the specific noun-The Earth. In it’s not specific noun – Earth, sounds very similar to the word in the Hebrew – Eretz. Also, Since the Hebrew word is not written with vowels, the E after the R...