For example, in Spanish, the terms "abuelo" and "abuela" are commonly used. Beyond the Basics Once you know the basic terms for grandparents, you can explore other related vocabulary: Great-grandparents: This refers to your grandparents' parents. Great-grandchildren: This...
How do you write great-grandparents? Sometimes, leaving out ahyphencan change a phrase's meaning. One example is “great grandfather.” Without the hyphen, you're indicating your grandfather is a great guy. If you mean your mother or father's grandfather, you need to say great-grandfather....
They’re the focus of the immigration debate. But across the nation, Latinos are rising to power and offering a glimpse of what’s ahead.
Get used to the separate sounds of Spanish letters, so you can start combining them to make words. A great thing about Spanish is that each vowel has only one sound, so it’s notas hard to learn as English! Understand the purpose of Spanish accent marks Learn the simple rules forSpanish...
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It's not usually spoken. So back in the day, before computers and text messages, our grandparents used to write letters right?通常不会用在口语中。所以回到电脑和短信出现之前的年代,我们的祖父母会写信,对吧?Traditionally you'd write your letter, then you'd sign your name at the end but ...
57. Mother tells the children not to shout too (大声地) in the hospital. 58. These days, there're many p in the hospital because of the bad weather. 59. That's my grandmother. She is 84. You wouldn't believe how (活跃的) she is! 60. Miss White has great (能力) in tea...
Some lesser-known paths include: citizenship by origin, and citizenship by option. We will dive deep into these in the next few sections.This means that maybe you are eligible for Spanish Citizenship without having to reside in Spain for 10 years. Keep reading to find out!
La Máquina is Hulu’s first Spanish-language series, so to see it resonate around the world in this way is extremely moving to us all. Let it be the first of many. Its success is a reminder that audiences are wanting global stories told authentically and in their native languages."...
( F ) 写作: 范文一: Changes in life Over the recent years, I′ve seen great changes in my life. Many aspects are to be concerned, but by simply specifying how my family are better off now than ever before suffices it all. We used to live in a cramped a...