Hello in German is one of the first German words you learn. But do you know other German greetings, such as "Wie geht’s?," "Alles Klar?" and "Servus"? Check out these 25 greetings in German that will make your conversational skills sound more natural in
How do you say go away in German?Suggestions and Commands:Sometimes we have to tell people what to do, it doesn't always have to be a negative thing and it is handy to know how. In German we use what is known as the imperative. We can it to make a suggestion, we can include ...
Καλημέραis typically used to greet rather than say goodbye. When you leave someone in the morning, you usually say «καλή συνέχεια» or «καλό υπόλοιπο». Still, if it is before 12 PM, you can use it to say goodbye. Καλό...
During traveling, you will discover new places and will meet many people, but it won’t last forever. You need to say goodbye when leaving the place. You might make good friends on the way. Say goodbye in their language and promise to keep in touch. People there will welcome you again ...
How to say “hello” in German Expand your German language abilities with our guide to saying hello. Explore common greetings and expressions.Read → How to say "good morning" in Spanish Learn how to say good morning in Spanish with iTranslate. Discover the correct pronunciation and start your...
10 benefits of learning German and why it could change your life How to become fluent in German? How to say goodbye in German the uncommon way Lesson 1 German Articles der, die, das … Lesson 18 KÖNNEN Fantastic progress! Keep it up. You are in Lesson 19 Mein Name ist… Lesson 20...
How to Say Sorry in German from Chapter 17/ Lesson 7 5.9K In this lesson we will learn German words and phrases that will allow us to excuse ourselves when we make a mistake, express forgiveness and regret, and say that we are sorry. ...
THE JOURNEY OF A LITTLE GHOST How to say Goodbye tells the story of a person who has recently been turned into a ghost, lost in an unfamiliar world populated by…
What are languages where hello and goodbye are the same or similar? How To Say Please, Thank You, Hello, And Goodbye in Every Country Why should we learn how to say please in different languages? One way to show respect for the people and places you visit is to learn basic words and ...
German To say "goodnight " in German is "guten nacht." The first word, "guten" (which means "good"), is pronounced like this--gooten. The next word is "nacht" (which means "night"); the "t" is silent, it sounds like "knock," and this is where it sounds like you have...