有人开玩笑说,全中国人最擅长的一句英文是:My English is poor.这也是继“How to say”之后另一句泛滥成灾的中式英语。在外国人眼中,用poor来形容自己的水平,是一种极度自卑的体现,而如果你想表达你的英语并不是太好,正在练习阶段,完全不用如此的“不自...
目前您在哪儿工作呢? What line of work are you in? 您从事哪个行业呢? 3 用英语怎么说? How to say?✘ How do you say this in English? ✔ 注释:How to say是在中国最为泛滥成灾的中国式英语之一,这绝不是地道的英语说法。 同样...
Applying for a job where you would work closely with children may be a great option for you if you enjoy spending time withkids. Communicating how good you work with kids to the employer during an interview may be tricky. Anyone can come into an interview and say that they enjoy working ...
2“Good Job” in Korean 2.1Formal “Good Job” in Korean 2.2Standard “Good Job” in Korean 2.3Informal “Good Job” in Korean 3Other ways to say “Good job” in Korean 3.1“Good work” in Korean 3.2“Keep up the good work” in Korean ...
How to Say Hard Things To Good People at Work Here’s how to get started First, decide on the specific situation where you need to say hard things. Picture that person in your mind. Where will you be sitting? What time of day is it? Remember, you’re always more successful when you...
I wish you a very happy retirement. Thank you for making this a great place to work. We will dearly miss you in your retirement. Though you're retiring, we hope you will still come back and say hi, especially now you will have some spare time!Related:...
To avoid that situation, you can instead schedule a meeting ahead of time and provide a goal oriented agenda.为了避免这种情况,你可以提前安排一次会议,并提供一个以目标为导向的议程。For example, in setting up a meeting with an individual, you might say that you're planning to discuss next ...
解析 15.答案:havea say 16.答案:aremore aware of the importance 17.答案:makea good impression on 18.答案:incharge of 19.答案:docome 20.答案:usedto be 21.答案:asthough/if he had studied 22.答案:haveyou been waiting 23.答案:couldn'twait to take...
Here are some tips on how to say farewell to a coworker: 1. Plan ahead Giving a personalized gift is a thoughtful and meaningful way to show your coworker that you value their individuality. Consider what they enjoy outside of work, whether it's a particular hobby, sport, or pastime....
②Good job./Great job. Brilliant job./Outstanding work. 干得好。 ③ We did it. 我们做到了。 ④ This is superb! 太棒了! 例如:This is superb! I had no idea a document could look this good. 太棒了!我都不知道文件能这么好看。