How do you say "My Japanese is not very good" in Japanese? 这个在 日语 里怎么说? how do you say "I speak bad Japanese" in Japanese? 这个在 日语 里怎么说? How do I say "I'm not good at speaking Japanese" in Japanese?? 这个在 日语 里怎么说? how to say in Japanese "I'm...
2.1Formal “Good Job” in Korean 2.2Standard “Good Job” in Korean 2.3Informal “Good Job” in Korean 3Other ways to say “Good job” in Korean 3.1“Good work” in Korean 3.2“Keep up the good work” in Korean 3.3“Congratulations” in Korean ...
Also, you can read up on my post on the tricky parts of navigating a Japanese workplace, where I explain how to handle tough and tricky situations in the workplace. Another thing to note with the timing here is that, unless working at your current job becomes unbearable, I always recomme...
One thing to note is that unlike English resumes, Japanese resumes (both types) tend to go in chronological order, with your most recent experience at the bottom. It is a good idea to have a native Japanese speaker check your resumes for any errors and to make it sound as professional as...
How to Say Thank You in Japanese Thank You #1: Arigato (ありがとう) Thank You #2: Domo (どうも) Thank You #3: Sumimasen (すみません) Thank You #4: Warui Na (悪いな) Thank You #5: Azasu (あざす) Thank You #6: Kansha Shimasu (感謝します) Thank You #...
Japanese onomatopoeia is used in everyday conversation and is a great way to mix up your vocabulary and impress your friends. Onomatopoeia helps convey a clearer messageof what you’re trying to say by attaching itself to a verb. Take the verb,“笑う“(to laugh) for example. A loud, boi...
I do feel like the average Japanese (even the average Tokyoite) is about as fashionable as the average American (which is to say that we’re all schlubs, the most of us), but this is a very interesting statement: A big reason why Tokyo is more fashionable has to do with the media ...
Basic Etiquette in the Japanese Workplace It is polite workplace etiquette to greet people throughout the day in Japan. Before noon, you should say "Ohayo gozaimasu (good morning)" to your colleagues and boss when you meet them, even in office bathrooms and hallways, and restaurants and shop...
to a stranger out of the blue may seem like solicitation.You can also say:調子はいかがですか? ちょうしはいかがですか? choushi wa ikaga desuka?” How are you? 調子 ちょうし –choushi means conditions or states of affairs, and it is a very useful word in Japanese. This term is...
A job that requires a high level of English proficiency and a good level of Japanese. The role usually also used people with specialised knowledge such as medicine or aero science in order to guarantee what is being corrected is being understood by the company’s staff and clients. A lot of...