Several ways to say good morning in Chinese, read our guide for this Mandarin Chinese language topic with Hanzi, Pinyin & English
2. “Good afternoon” in French You can say “Bon après-midi” in the afternoon as an expression of “hello”, or stick with “bonjour” before the evening. The use of “Bon après-midi” is more commonly used to mean “have a nice day” when you say goodbye to the others. “Mes...
How to say it will be in French How do you say I will write in French? How do you say Friday in French? How do you say see you later in French? How do you say I will see you later in French? How do you say good afternoon in French?
However, being polite does not require you to know every single phrase. Knowing how to say “bye” and “have a nice day/evening” is all you need to get by in everyday situations. Of course, as we’ve discussed in previous articles, consulting theGreek IPAis a great way to make sur...
Related to this Question How do you say very good in French? How do you say not good in French? How do you say good and you in French? How do you say I'm good in French? How do you say good in French? How do you say great in French?
“Goede nacht” is how to say goodnight in Dutch. French Depending on the situation you are in, there are two ways you can say "goodnight" in French. Use "Bonsoir," which sounds like "boh-swahr," only if you are departing company with someone. Use "Bonne ...
@Sanskriti29 Bonjour(Good morning) ✘ ↪ Good morning + Hello Bon après midi(Good afternoon) ✘ "Bon après-midi" is not a greeting, but a phrase used to wish someone a good afternoon, it's fundamentally not the same thing. Salut(hi/hello) ✘ "
do. One day, I go home very late, my mother is very angry, but she says nothing. At first, I feel happy, the next morning, she still ignores me, I begin to feel lonely, I cry and say sorry. My mother smiles and says I should change myself, since then, I bee a good child....
Students have class in the morning. They learn things like this: How can you take a beautiful photo of a person or something in nature? When is it good to take a black and white photo? In the afternoon, they go out and take lots of pictures. Then they learn to choose the best ones...
B. Whatever difficulties we may meet with in our life, we can bend, but can never break. C. Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. D. If you get over your breaking point, you can survive to live longer and more happily than others. 【3...