Find out how to say Bitch in different languages. We have thousands of swear words from every language in the world!
Is Mochi dangerous to eat? Since mochi is very sticky, it needs to be properly chewed before swallowing. If not properly chewed, the mochi will get stuck in the throat and can lead to suffocation. Why is mochi so popular? Part of mochi's appeal is its ability to adapt to a variety...
Anniversary of Ayacucho — April 25: Francisco Pizarro founded the settlement of San Juan de la Frontera de Huamanga in 1540; Simón Bolívar later changed the name to Ayacucho in 1825. The anniversary of this historic city features numerous activities, including cultural and sporting events, ...
Ever since I left New Jersey, I have been on a quest to find good pizza. In Trenton, we had numerous typical pizza parlors but there were also a bunch of places that specialized in what is known as tomato pie. While there are many variants in the Northeast, the key to a good tomato...
The format is a bonus: In the virtual world, traditional restrictions of time and space don’t apply. “How often have you driven home from [your] book club and realized something you forgot to say?” asks MacDonald. “With an online book club, the discussion isn’t limited to two hou...
Zak Dychtwald: [00:08:07] If I were to say the one thing that makes this one generation in China unique from their international cohort, so from millennials around the world, it's the pace of change. When we say China's speed, it's kind of like, okay, yeah. You know, Shaq is ...
How to Get it Right The best way to get students’ names right is to just ask them. Pull the kid aside and say,You know what? I think I’ve been messing up your name all year, and I’m sorry. Now that graduation is coming, I want to say it perfectly. Can you teach me?
I’m looking for a teenage romance book about a boy who learns Italian from his dad and his dad is later locked up for stealing money from his coworkers. He moves out of the country and starts going to public school where they only speak Italian and he meets a girl that he continues...
Needless to say, you have a deep mistrust of politicians. Socialism is a word that brings back memories of the 1950s and 60s. You're more realistic now, but in those days socialism didn't seem quite so bad. As for the Communist Party-- the oldest existing political party, and not ...
However, the words “Shh, listen,” may require you to say them in a soft voice for emphasis. If the text contains any dialogue, mark that as well. Consider using different voices to give personality to each character. Don’t rely on being able to remember where you should vary the ...