We speak Dutch. Dutch is the language of The Netherlands.German is a different language.The Netherlands = Dutch = NiederländischGermany = German = Deutsch 查看翻译 Highly-rated answerer 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) 有帮助 (0) ahmedelmtwaly21 2017年8月6日 阿拉伯语 oh lol i wa...
how to say in dutch , i hate you 这个在 荷兰语 里怎么说? how to say hi in dutch 这个在 荷兰语 里怎么说? how do u say how are u in dutch 这个在 荷兰语 里怎么说? hello how to say in dutch 这个在 荷兰语 里怎么说? how do you say how are you in dutch 这个在 荷兰语 ...
Where a little more formality is in order, “goedendag” is another excellent way to say “hello” in Dutch. This phrase translates to “good day” and is a suitable option when speaking to strangers, such as cashiers or wait staff. It’s also a good option when speaking to anyone old...
How to say [something] in Dutch? / How do you say [something] in Dutch? 这个在 荷兰语 里怎么说? 瞩目的提问 Show more I made a make-shift bed in my basement and have been sleeping there because it’s colder down ther... I had enough of you! 这个在 荷兰语 里怎么说? Hello 这个...
Need to learn how to say 'no'? In this article, DutchPod101 will discuss Dutch negation and teach you how to form negative sentences in Dutch.
懂了,但过时的俚语:用Go Dutch来AA 除了开头提到的"How to say"外,导师还特别提到另外一个词Go Dutch。 很多留学生都知道这是AA制/各付各的意思,但实际上现在澳洲很少有年轻人用这个词!能懂这个词的大概是中老年了… 也不怪大家,因为现在确实依然有过时的资料在引导学习这个俚语👇 ...
这个在 荷兰语 里怎么说? How do you say “I’m American” in Dutch (Netherlands)? 这个在 荷兰语 里怎么说? How to say ?in Dutch? 这个在 荷兰语 里怎么说? How to say [something] in Dutch? / How do you say [something] in Dutch? 这个在 荷兰语 里怎么说?
in Dutch?用 荷蘭語 要怎麼說? how do you say "my name is" in dutch?用 荷蘭語 要怎麼說? How to say " I'm student " in dutch?用 荷蘭語 要怎麼說? how to say "dont disturb me" in Dutch用 荷蘭語 要怎麼說? How do you say "What does this mean?" in Dutch?用 荷蘭語...
关于英语(美国) 的问题 how do you say "i love you" in dutch 这个在 英语 (美国) 里怎么说? 查看翻译 AI_monga 8月26日 Formal translation: How do you say "I love you" in Dutch? 复制 Casual translation: How do you say "I love you" in Dutch? 复制 Explanation in Indonesian: ...
Dutch Language I don’t think Valentine’s Day (Valentijnsdag) is traditionally a big deal in the Netherlands, but since we live in a world that has close contact with other cultures via the media, internet, television, etc., it’s not uncommon to do something small and special for your...