How to say “body” in English So, let's start with the most basic word: body(baa-dee). Body (noun):The whole physical structure that forms a person or animal, including the bones, flesh, and organs. We usually use the word "body" with adjectives that describe it. For example: ...
Diaphragmdaɪəfræm Oesophagusisɒfəɡəs Spleensplin Veinsveɪnz Rectumrektəm Gallbladderɡɒlblædə Bladderblædə Appendixəpendɪks Songs about body parts Learning body parts in English doesn’t have to be boring! There are many songs to help you remember th...
How to Choose the Right Headphones for Studio Recording The way you monitor your audio can be as important as the tools you use to capture sound. Whether tracking, mixing, or fine tuning your music during mastering, we’ll help you find the right pair of headphones for your next visit to...
ThefirstandmostimportantstrategytoovercomeshynessandtospeakmoreconfidentlyinEnglishistopractise.克服害羞、更自信地说英语的第一个也是最重要的策略是练习。YoumightthinkI'mabsolutelycrazybutbearwithme.你可能认为我疯了,但请耐心听我说。ThethoughtofspeakingtosomeoneinEnglishcanbescary, right?一想到用英语和某人...
It's a 45-day transformational speaking program for women who need to overcome shyness and start to speak English more confidently. 这是一个为期 45 天的转型口语项目,面向需要克服害羞并开始更自信地说英语的女性。 This is where we help women to say goodbye to shy....
If this is your thing, go ahead and use the large diaphragm. If you have an acoustic guitar that is too bright, it could even help tame it.Depending on how advanced/expensive your microphone is, you may have the option to switch polar pattern. The most common options on a condenser ...
Remember to breathe properly. This means being able to control your breath and shape it to create flowing phrases and energetic, articulate performances. Breathing deeply from your diaphragm, breath support and proper placement can work miracles and keep you conditioned to deliver in top form, even...
Picture this: You’ve got a dinner date coming up. Say you’re going to Chipotle, Olive Garden, or the Ritz (totally different price points, I know). You’re with your partner, and there’s a table in front of you. They sit on one of the chairs. Where do you sit for optimum ...
Another type of large-condenser mic, side-address microphones usually have a wide, flat windscreen over a large diaphragm. These are positioned horizontally and aimed toward the side at a 90-degree angle. Thus, if the mic is vertical, a singer seems to be addressing it from the side, hence...
which raises the electrical resistance in the magnetic coils that move the diaphragm (the cone or, in the case of some high‑end midrange drivers, a convex dome). So as the input signal level increases, the driver’s ability to play it decreases. This phenomenon is called ‘thermal compre...